Chap 3: You Saved Me

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I awoke on a couch in strange surroundings. I rubbed my head and sat up.

"What the fuck? Where the hell am I?" I asked myself. I was in a nice ass condo that overlooked the city. It had to be at least seven stories up. I looked around and everything was baby blue and black. The couch was black with baby blue pillows. The carpet was black. The curtains that were drawn back were baby blue. There was a glass coffee table and side tables that had black lamps on them that looked expensive. Even the blanket that was on me was baby blue. There was a huge flat screen tv over a fireplace that was raging. Someone had to be here. I heard water and stood up. Sounds like someone is taking a shower. They had a open kitchen with an island in it, looked kind of cliche with the pots hanging over it. I walked down the hall slowly, making my way toward the bathroom, which is most likely where the water was coming from, duh. As soon as I was about to turn the nob, the door flung open, making me let out a tiny squeak and fall back onto my butt.

"Normani?" I said. She smiled down at me and held her hand out to help me up. I grabbed it and she hoisted me up, making me come face to face with her. I just realized she was only in a towel and stepped back a little.

"Uhm, Normani. How did I get in your apartment? What happened last night?" I asked her. She frowned and walked passed me going in her room and closing her door. I guess that meant she needed privacy to change. I nodded and walked back to the living room to find my things. My phone and purse were on a table that was by the huge window. I grabbed it and went to put on my shoes when a pain hit me in the head. I grabbed my head and winced, sitting down in a recliner that was against the wall near the front door. I put my head in my hands and leaned down, trying to still the way my heart sounded like it was pumping in my ears. I felt soft hands grab my wrists and looked up. Normani was dressed now, a white tank top and blue boy shorts. She grabbed my arm and pulled me into the kitchen with her. She made me sit down at the kitchen table pulling the chair out for me. She went to the fridge and grabbed some orange juice then poured it in a cup.  She rambled through one of her drawers then came out with some Advil. She grabbed the juice and pills and brought them to me. She then proceeded to start making breakfast. I took the pills and drank the orange juice, even though I hate it.

"Thank you." I said. She turned to me and smiled. I smiled back and let my eyes trail down her body. Damn... I jumped when I heard a knock at the door. I looked at Normani and she nodded toward the door. I got up and looked through the peep hole.

"Who is it?" I asked, looking at Normani.

"Lauren. Open up." Normani nodded and I unlocked the door. Lauren stepped in the house and looked at me.

"I hope you peed." She said.

"Uh, what?" I asked, confused.

"I said I hope you peed. You must've been full of liquor cause you weighed 12 tons last night." She half smiled at me and grabbed a chair at the table, turning it around and sitting in it backward. She was pretty. Milky complexion, gorgeous green eyes, cute little smile. I sat back down at the table and cleared my throat.

"It was Lauren, right?" I asked.

"Yep. I think Mani said your name was Asia."

"No, it's China."

"Right! China. I'm sorry. How're you feeling?" She asked.

"Groggy. Hung over. I don't remember what happened or how I got here." I said honestly.

"Nicco. You remember talking to him?" She asked. I shook my head yes.

"Well I guess the muthafucka dosed you cause he was dragging you upstairs and you were out of it. Mani and I stopped him. We had just got there and we were looking for Ari. One of her friends told us she was upstairs. We looked around, didn't find her. Came out of one of the rooms and there you both were. I was pretty sure you didn't consent." Lauren explained. I felt tears collect in my eyes at my own stupidity and at my own luck.

"Thank you. Thank you both." I said, dabbing at my eyes.

"You're welcome sweetie. That smells good Mani! She makes the best cheese eggs you've ever tasted in your life." Lauren said, smiling. She must've realized I was crying because she got up from her chair and hugged me. She was basically still a stranger but here she was, trying to make me feel better. I smiled and hugged her back. At least she smelled good, like Dove soap. She let me go and patted my back.

"It's alright love. You're okay. If Mani likes you, I love you." She said. I looked up at Mani and she smiled at me, flipping some bacon in the skillet. I looked at my phone and it said 1:00.

"Oh shit! I gotta be at work in an hour. I don't even have my car!" I said.

"Aww Mani we gotta eat your breakfast ourselves. Dream girl has to go to work." Lauren said.

"Dream girl?" I asked.

"Oh yeah. Mani-" Mani cleared her throat and Lauren looked at her. She raised her eyebrow and Lauren put her arms up. She stood up and patted my shoulder.

"Come on, Dream. We gotta get you to your car. You up for a ride on my bike?" She asked.

"Uhm, sure. That's cool." I said, smiling.

"Bet. I'll be back to bang that breakfast you made." Lauren said, opening the front door and standing aside for me to get out. I turned to Mani and smiled at her. She turned the stove off and looked at me.

"Thank you Normani. For everything." I said. She smiled and patted her heart then turned and started cracking eggs.

"After you." Lauren said. I walked out of the condo and got on the elevator with Lauren. We rode down and walked outside, where I saw a bad ass, all black Harley parked out front.

 We rode down and walked outside, where I saw a bad ass, all black Harley parked out front

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"Oh shit. You meant a bike bike." I said.

"Hell yeah. What'd you think? I was gonna take you to your car on a tricycle? Here, put that on and hop on babe." She said, giving me a wink. I smiled and put the helmet on, climbing on the back of the motorcycle.

"Hold on honey!" She yelled, starting up the bike and zooming down the street.

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