"It's... hard to say," I signed. "You're my best friend. Talk at lunch properly."

Her face fell just the slightest bit. She seemed contemplative; thoughtful. "Shy because of a boy, right?" she signed. "Why else?"

I stared at her, dumbfounded. She guessed it right without a moment's thought. This wasn't the time to be having this conversation. Why couldn't she just leave it alone until break when I could gather my thoughts and approach this properly? I shouldn't have brought it up already. What was I thinking?

"You think I'd judge?" She looked genuinely hurt. "You are my best friend."

"It's more than that," I answered. "Let me explain at break-"

Since Tom can sign, I think he was listening in on our conversation because he came over and stood in front of our desk. "Miss Hansen, Mr. Keats. Would you like to take this conversation outside?"

He made it seem like we were being sent out, but I think he was being nice by letting us talk this out properly. I gave him a shadow of a smile and scooted off the chair while Ikeisha followed me out. Trey ignored everything going on around him, watching only Ben screwing around. We walked past Charlie, but he didn't bat a lid towards me.

He, Liam, and Ben were taking turns smacking each other's heads with pencils using their mouths. Liam seemed to be on the winning streak since he made Charlie and Ben flinch whenever it was their turn.

Ikeisha led me to the courtyard outside and we found a spot in the undercover area. It was so hot out here that I missed the aircon already, but this was my chance to talk one on one. Ikeisha folded her legs and pulled her skirt down to make sure she was properly covered in case of any passerby's.

"So," she asked. "What is it? About a guy right? You know that I'm not going to judge you for something like that. Neither will Trey or Manu or Rangi."

"It's not that..." I answered, finding solace in the buttons of my shirt while I fidgeted relentlessly with them. "It's someone in particular. I like him so much that it almost hurts. Especially when he doesn't pay me attention, like now."

"Whoever doesn't pay you attention is an idiot," she said. "You're the sweetest and handsomest guy in the world and you deserve the same."

I swallowed hard. How was I supposed to respond to that? The person in question was her actual crush. Would she still think that about me afterwards? Even if Charlie got sick of me, Keish is someone who'd always stay by my side. That wouldn't change if I told her the truth... right? My heart started to work itself into overdrive, and I felt my mouth go dry.

I licked my lips but it only made them feel dryer.

"It's umm... Someone..." I tried to come up with a coherent string of words and came out with nothing. I looked at her helplessly. "Keish..."

She furrowed her brows with confusion as she obviously tried to put things together in her head. Then her eyes widened with what I automatically knew would be her correct first guess.

"It's someone you're scared to tell me about, right? It can only either be my brother... who I seriously doubt because he's basically yours too," she started, to which I emphatically nodded my agreement, "or it's Charlie, the guy I told you I think is pretty cute at the mo."

Huh? Why is she acting so nonchalant about it? Isn't she upset? Hurt? Offended? I looked down at my hands, still fidgeting with the buttons of my shirt. Her fingers gently grasped my chin and made me look at her. Her eyes were intense as she stared directly into mine, making sure I paid deep and close attention.

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