"Sorry," I mumbled, closing the door quietly behind me. "Didn't mean to startle you."

He grinned easily, too easily, and wriggled his eyebrows teasingly. "What's wrong? Did'ya miss me?"

"No," I grumbled, staring at the floor.

Maybe I had no reason to worry. I was probably overthinking and projecting my own fears and insecurities onto him instead. Well, at least he was okay. He started humming to himself and leaned his head against the wall, looking up to the ceiling while his weight was supported by his head alone. He swung a little, then hauled himself back upright.

He was really fidgety.

"Something up?" he asked, dazing at me curiously. His eyes were so dark and intense, I realized I hadn't really noticed it in a little while. Maybe I wasn't imagining it. I could see the weight he carried through his darkened gaze.

"Nothing," I said, turning back to the class door. Now that I knew he was fine, there was no use lingering around. "See you when the bell goes."


Charlie stared at the ground for most of the way to his house, with only short bursts of energy and saying random stuff I didn't get. But for the most part, he seemed listless; despondent. Did the Dean really contact his parents in the end? Did he know he was about to be in trouble? Maybe that's why he wanted me there with him.

But even as we got here, he seemed hesitant to walk through his door.

"You all good?" I asked.

His head snapped up towards me in surprise. "Huh? Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

I shrugged as he opened the door and went inside. It didn't look like anyone was home yet. His mum probably finished later at around the same time as mine since they work together. We went straight to his bedroom, which was way smaller than mine. His bed was a double, with its head pressed against the wall.

At its end was a desk with a small space to walk between, and a built-in cupboard with a single sliding door. I guess the tiny space worked for a small guy like him. I tried to imagine Ben or Trey getting around inside of here. They'd probably knock their sides on his computer desk just by walking through that space. The thought made me chuckle, reminding me how lucky I was to get the master bedroom out of everyone in my family.

Charlie slumped down on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He briefly lifted his head and smiled at me before gesturing for me to join him. No sooner than I laid down beside him, his bedroom door opened. We both bolted upright with surprise, not that we were caught doing anything, and I watched his mum barge inside.

"What in God's name is the matter with you, Charlie?" she asked. "I get what, a week or two of peace and then of course I get a call from your Dean."

I glanced at his mum; Vivienne, I think her name was, and saw her every feeling of anger and disappointment written across her face. Was that a look he got from her often? It felt awkward enough for me just to see it, I couldn't imagine how it felt like to be on the receiving end of it. She barely opened her mouth again before noticing me beside him. Her brows raised in surprise.

"Aubrey. I didn't notice you there for a moment, sorry," she said, then turned her attention back to Charlie. "You, come down and speak with me right now."

Instead of listening to his mum, he lay back on the bed and rolled over so that he was facing away from me. "I don't want to," he mumbled.

"Charlie, your brother is going to be here in less than ten minutes. If you don't tell me exactly what you were thinking beforehand then so help me God-"

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