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We've knocked out the first two parts of the test. I know I shouldn't say this in regards to jinxing it, but things are looking somewhat good so far—aside from Elisaveta's injury and my empty stomach.

The doctor twins come half an hour after we kill Galatea, bearing crackers and water. I'm tired of the routine already, but I don't deny the food. After all, I need something in my stomach or else I'll faint. I'm light-headed as it is.

"You have two hours before the next part of your test begins," the pair says together. "This part is of monsters related to the body. I'll give you both a hint—the body parts the beasts are associated with are the eyes and skin."

Eyes and skin? What monsters could those be?

Maybe a cyclopes and a skin-eating something-or-other? How should you know?

"The Mayor will talk with you shortly," the pair states, walking away. The cleaning men step over a pool of blood and reach Galatea, sweeping her up into a large dustpan.

Elisaveta takes a swig of water from her bottle. "Honestly, if I went back in time and told my past self that I'd be the second volunteer for The Hollow, she'd have punched me in the face and jumped me."

I laugh. "Well, at least your past self would have the guts to do that. If I went and told my past self that stuff... let's just say that I'd be in the hospital for jumping off a cliff."

She grins, putting a hand on her injured side. "That's not true. He'd probably ask you if you survived."

I open my mouth to reply, but I can't think of anything to say. After a moment, I finally get out, "Yeah."

Elisaveta nudges me with her elbow. "Why do you look so sad all of a sudden?"

"I don't know. I guess I wanna know... if I'll survive."

She rolls her eyes. "Come on. I told you I'd keep you alive so that's what I'm gonna do. I don't go back on my word." She looks into my eyes. "Eric, I love you. I won't let you die."

Who'd have thought that little Ericy boy would fall in love while the threat of death rests on his shoulders?

I sure wouldn't have. But I'm glad I did.

"I love you too, and I appreciate your concern for me. But you have no control over who lives or dies, especially not me. I'm just one person in a world of eight billion."

"But you're the only one out of those eight billion who matters to me." She smiles.

I chuckle. "That's sweet, but what about Evan and your mom? Do they not deserve your love?" I lean closer to her.

"Ha. Maybe my mom matters more to me, but definitely not Evan. He's not that important."

"Well, I'm glad to be second only to your mother on your list of people who matter to you in this world." I gently cup her face in my hands and pull her close for a kiss. My thoughts dissolve into her warmth and I move my mouth along hers hungrily; our lips part with the force and I mimic the patterns of her tongue with mine.

"Eric," Elisaveta whispers softly in my ear, pleasure filling her voice. She bares her neck and I plant kisses there, both hurried and gentle.

"I love you," I say quietly, like a caress. I say it over and over until she's on her back and I'm caging her body with mine.

"What if the Mayor sees us?" Elisaveta asks.

I grin mischievously and kiss her again, this time slow and careful. She unhooks her knife belt and places it on the floor beside us. I put a hand on her hips, something I'd never been able to do before.

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