An Audience With The King

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George had never driven faster in his entire life. Though he was still slow getting down due to the lingering trick-or-treaters that just insisted on walking in the streets. When he pulled into his driveway, he slammed the car in park and literally scrambled out of the car and into the house. Eliza was sitting on the couch watching some 80's horror movie. She was dressed as some character from a show George never bothered to watch. 

"Date not end well?" Liz laughed. 

"W-what?" George gasped, trying to catch his breath. "No actually... it was good... really good..." His face flushed as he fiddled with Clay's letterman. "I mean it wasn't a dumb date you prick!"

Liz threw her hands up in surrender. "Sure sure..." She giggled. George looked around. 

"I need a costume." He frowned. 

"A-are you serious?" Eliza laughed loudly. "You knew about this costume party for weeks and you never bothered to get a costume?" She called out. "Oh so you're stupid stupid."

"Shut up, help me figure something or else." 

She shrugged. "Look up last minute costume ideas on google, you can probably find something." George nodded and sat down at the family computer. His sister came up behind him to watch. 

He opened the search engine and typed in 'last minute Halloween costumes cute' Liz looked at it and snickered. "Oh you are desperate." Liz snorted as she laughed. 

"You are literally the worst." George hit enter. 


The words flashed up on screen. George hadn't paid the internet bill. Of course he hadn't. Just his luck. "Are you? FUCKING KIDDEING ME?" He screamed. Liz rolled her eyes. 

"Phone data dumb fuck, look it up on your ph-" Liz was cut off by a sharp knocking at the door. "Our porch light isn't even on, stupid trick-or-treaters."

"Ignore them... they'll leave..." George sighed and pulled out his phone. The knocking came again. 

"They really want our non-existent candy." Liz commented as the knocking continued. 

"Oh my fucki-" George stood up and opened the door. "We don't hav- Oh... hi..." 

On the other side of the door was a familiar face. He was tall with very fluffy and curly hair. He wore a simple button up and slacks, but that wasn't the main part of his outfit. He wore a cape of royal red with fur along the edges, a fake crown on his head and dark sunglasses covered his eyes. The man grinned and pulled off his glasses to reveal pure white eyes.

"Hi George." He laughed

"Eret, your eyes are creepy." George stepped aside and allowed Eret inside. "Did you drive here with sunglasses on... at night?"

"Thanks, they're contacts. Hello." Eret greeted Eliza. Liz smiled and wondered off to do whatever. "And no, i put them on before i knocked for dramatic effect."

"Wait why are you here? Also why do you have my address?" 

"I could sense the gay panic." Eret laughed. 


"I'm kidding... mostly." He whispered the last part. "Bad texted me saying you were freaking out about a costume and asked if i could help so here i am." 

"Oh... thanks for coming then..." George felt relief wash over him. He was gonna be okay, it was going to be just fine. Eret looked around and nodded. 

"Do you have an idea of what you wanna be? I have some spare stuff in the back of my car you can probably use..." Eret's eyes drifted to the computer and grinned. "Oh i have an idea. Take off your jackets and shirt, I'll be right back." Eret swung his keys around his finger and he left to get stuff out of his car. 

George took off the jackets but hesitated with his shirt. He didn't take it off by the time Eret returned. He had several articles of clothing in his arms, as well as color duct tape, some markers, stickers and a part of clout goggles. 

"Here, put these on. Ill look away." Eret handed George a white sweater and a soft blue shirt. Just as Eret promised, he turned away. George quickly took of his shirt and put the others on in it's place. Eret turned around and smiled. 

"What am i going as, exactly?" George asked as Eret pulled out white duct tape. 

"You... are going as an 404 error." He proceeded to tape a white rectangle on George's chest. 

"What?" Eret ignored his question and taped a red outline on the rectangle. Eret then grabbed a black marker and marked '404' in the center of the white. He backed away to examine his handy-work. 

"Looks good." Eret grabbed a packet of random stickers and a box of Band-Aids. George gave up on asking questions at his point, he just allowed Eret to go as he wished. Eret placed a band-aid over the bridge of George's nose and dappled his cheeks with cute stickers. For the cherry on top of the sundae, Eret placed the clout-goggles on George's fluffy brown hair. 

"Do i looked okay?" George mumbled, he didn't know what he looked like, but he trusted Eret. 

Eret nodded. "Clay wont be able to look away, i promise." He hummed as he started to clean up and gather his items. 

"I can't thank you enough..."

"Eh, just invite me to the wedding." Eret snickered. "See you at the party." With a wave of his hand, Eret disappeared beyond the front door. George heard and engine start and a car drive away. 

George smiled. It was obvious that George liked Clay, he didn't bother hiding it at this point. He called for his sister and when she came out, she smiled warmly. 

"I like it. Now lets go, Peggy is getting impatient." George nodded and walked out with Liz, both climbing into the car and off they went. 

Liz talked about random things as they drove but George wasn't really paying attention. The football game was over by now so George probably wasn't going to be the first one there. He was scared. This was the first Halloween George wasn't spending at home. What if his sister needed him? Or something happened with his mother? Would there be drinking tonight? What if something bad happened and George wasn't there? 

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