Chapter 2

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Yikes! I don't have a ride! Ugh, who should I call... Ohh I'll call Monique! Monique has been my best friend since we were 4 years old.
*Ring* *Ring*
"Hello?" She said.
"Hey! Is it okay if you drive me to the airport?" I said.
"Yeah, but why?"
"I need to stay with Jack for a couple weeks since my parents went to a business trip."
"Oh- wait isn't he in Magcon right now?!" She asked.
"You're going to meet the other boys too!!"
"I know."
"That's it?! Really?! You're so lucky, I hate you! But I'm coming right now."
"Hahah. Thanks." I said and hung up.
I made sure that I had everything because it would suck if I forget something.

•5 minutes later•

"Jesus Christ, she's so loud." I said to myself. I rolled both of my suitcases down the steps and got in Monique's car.
"Hey Al" she said.
"Hey Mo! Thanks for picking me up." I said.
"No prob"
"I can't believe you're meeting them!"
"Monique, they're just regular boys, calm down!"
"Correction: HOT boys!"
"I think sammy is going to be there, isn't he your favorite?" I asked.
"Are you serious?" I nodded,
"FRICK YEAH!" She said very loud.
"IREALLYWANTTOGOWITHYOU!!!" She said very fast.
"Wait say it a little slower and calm down"
"I really want to go with you, I want to meet sammy so bad!"
"Okay, I'll see what I can do."
"Thank you." She said, out of breath.


Finally we got to the airport! I grabbed my bags from the trunk and got my plane ticket ready.
"Okay, so I'm going to ask JJ if I can get an extra ticket for you, but you're going to need to wait for 2 days."
I said.
"Okay, text me when you land."
"Ok, bye!"
"Bye." She gets back in her car and drives away. I show the guy my ticket and walk inside. I sit on a chair that is closest to my gate and wait for 30 more minutes. I put my headphones on and play 'Wild life' it's my favorite song in the moment. I look around and....AHA! STARBUCKS!!! I walk to Starbucks and order a Caramel Frapp. While I was waiting for my drink, I see someone very familiar.....

Can you guess who?

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