Its what I do best!

Start from the beginning


..Are you okay?" He asked shyly.

"I-.. Yeah I am. " I lied, not wanting him to worry about it.

I could hear shuichi get up, but I didn't expect him to do what he did. He lifted my head up, and gently placed it down on his lap. He ran his fingers through my (h\c) hair, and muttered to me.

"Are you sure?.. "

I could feel my face heat up. His voice was soothing, and almost seductive. I smiled, relaxing and I mumbled back to him.

"I pulled an all nighter, I'm just tired is all shu,"

I really wanted to go to sleep. I felt safe and warm, along with being happy. I yawned again, fun fact...I was always teased for my yawns being high pitched and "anime like".

I could feel myself drifting off to sleep, even though I tried so hard I couldn't help it.

I gave into sleep..

8:00, September 8th

I woke up to someone softly saying my name, and gently shaking me. Once my vision focussed I realized it was shuichi and remembered I had fallen asleep.

" Agh.. What time is it?.. " I asked, still sleepy.

" I-its 8:00, we n-need to head t-to class.. " He nervously said, helping me up.

I quickly picked up my soccer ball and grabbed shuichis hand, pulling him along with me as I ran to my locker. When we got to my locker, I let shuichi go get what he needed and put my soccer ball away. I quickly stumbled into class, sighing as I sat down.

Shuichi shortly came in too, sitting down in his usual seat beside me.

2:54, September 8th, After School

Me and shuichi are walking together, getting ready to head over to his house and play a game I brought with me. Today was pretty normal, like every day.

I explained to shuichi how the game worked, pretty excited myself to play it with him. I always played it with my family when ever I could, I was the one that would win of course. (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)

Once me and shuichi were at his house, we welcomed ourselves in and hurried to his room to set up the game.

Once it was set up I handed him a controller and sat on his bed beside him. It was a pretty good game and I usually get really focussed into the game.

After a bit of playing the game shuichi got better, which only made it funner. Pretty soon we were elbowing each other and giving one another a few small pushes.

" Aawwwhh!!! " I yelled out as shuichi beat me and won the round.

I turned and smiled at him.

" Your good at this game! " I giggled a bit before leaning my head on his shoulder.

" This time I'm gonna win! " I smirked, challenging him to another round.

After a few wins and losses later, me and him had turned on another movie. I was sitting infront of him, while he was behind me, resting his head on my head.

(I didn't draw that! But that's how y'all are sitting ( ͡°³ ͡°))

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(I didn't draw that! But that's how y'all are sitting ( ͡°³ ͡°))

Shuichis arms were wrapped around my waist, making me feel safer and closer to him. Our legs had intertwined throughout the movie, and little did I know he had been playing with a strand of my (h\c) hair.

I felt completely calm, matter of fact it felt so much better than staying at home and watching stuff alone.

The thought of being alone again made me turn around and hug him tightly. Shuichi looked at me, a bit confused.

" Hey shu.. Can I stay the night? " I looked at him, feeling as if I could burst out in tears at any moment.

Shuichi softly smiled before leaning down and kissing me on my forehead, leaving me speechless.

" Of course.. " He replied softly, handing me my phone.

My eyes lit up as I took it and began to text my mom. The growing pit of sadness started to fade away as I put my phone away.

" Thank you shu, your the best person I've ever met.. " I said, happily.

I would have said best friend... But the thought of us just being friends hurts more than leaving him to only see him the next day.

I snuggled back up to him, closing my eyes and relaxing into the cuddle, I felt much better being here with him. I started thinking of little things that me and him could do this weekend, his fingers running through my (h\c) hair made me sleepy. Soon enough I was asleep.

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