A good advice from a good friend

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When Steve left the locker room, the school bell rings and signaled a 15 min. Break between lunch and the end of school. Most students use this free time to smoke together in the school yard or to prepare for their last 2 classes. Steve prefers to use this time to relax in the school yard.

Like almost every day, he goes out and sits down under one of the many trees in the yard and enjoys the warm sun and the fresh wind. This way he can easily forget the everyday stress of school and the problems from the bullies. He can also watch the others standing together in groups, chatting and laughing with one another. He also sees the bullies standing together with their cheerleader girlfriends and some are just kissing, as always, and others bullying smaller students who walk too close to them. As he was sitting on the grass, a group of student ran past him and one of them called out to him:

"Hey dwarf, I heard about your special treatment in the locker room Haha ... Jack must have done a good job HAHAHA" The group passed him laughing and Steve lowered his head in embarrassment and humiliation.

"Hey Kiddo, can I sit down next to you?" Says a voice behind him and when Steve turns around, he sees Chris leaning against the tree. Steve nodded to him and Chris sat down next to him in the sun.

"What did he mean?" Chris ask him with a serious voice.

"Oh nothing special ... just ... trouble in the locker room" replies Steve in a low voice.

Chris looked at him with a concerned look. "You can tell me anything, I'm not like these guys. You saw for yourself what I did with David. Even if I regret it, it was still the right thing, "says Chris.

Steve nods in agreement. "Now in the sports class earlier, Jack blamed me for losing and punished me for it in the locker room, but he would have done that anyway like almost every time. He and the other strong ones just have so much fun bullying us smaller ones ".

"What did he do exactly?" Asks Chris, already clenching his fists.

"The usual... hard punches and then Will pulled my... underpants over my face from behind. I screamed in pain, but they didn't care. Then I landed on the floor and they took off my clothes. Next, Jack sat with his butt on my face and ... you know ... farted several times and I was forced to smell them. When he finished I had to go on with a smelly pair of underpants. As a highlight there were several Swirlies in clean, but also in yellow toilets after that. If I kneel in front of them, it is only half as bad, but when they hold me upside down, I'm always afraid of running out of breath. At the end, Jack made number 2 in the bowl and the others gave me a Chocolate Swirly with an open mouth "

Steve spoke everything from his heart and had to fight hard with his tears, but in the end they finally flowed. Chris listened very carefully and in the end he couldn't hold back his anger.

Suddenly he put both arms around Steve and gave him a friendly, but also comforting hug. Steve was shocked at first but accepted it.

"They will pay for it, I promise you!" Said Chris in an angry, almost growling voice.

"Nothing will ever change, why should? !! Who should stand up for nerds like me !! ".

"Believe me, it will be different soon," replied Chris with a slight smile. "Sorry for the stupid question, but why do you want to be a nerd anyway? Why do you try so hard in class? "

"Because my future is important to me. I want to have good grades so that I can go to a good college and get a good job afterwards. I want to achieve something later and if I can't achieve anything in sport, then it has to be my good grades ".

"Hehe yes I can well imagine that, everyone says that who are in the same situation as you ^^. And that's a good attitude too, but should I tell you something? "

Steve nods to him.

"Please don't get this wrong, but even with good grades it will often be very hard to find good jobs later. I grew up with 2 older brothers and no, they were always nice to me and always supported me. They, too, always attached great importance to good grades and also to sport, but they too often had a very hard time finding the simplest jobs, although they were more than qualified for it. Fortunately, both of them have good jobs today, but it was a very hard road to get there and so you shouldn't take school too seriously, but you shouldn't neglect it either. Friends are more important when you find the right ones. Friends who are always by your side and support you. "

"Believe me, I've had a lot of experience with false friends. Which leave you in the lurch for even cooler ones and forget you. And before they're left alone, they come back to you. Or those who say they would stay friends with you and as soon as school was over, they cut off contact with you. So my advice to you, find yourself true friends, those who like you the way you are and those who stand by you. "

"You're right, thank you Chris" says Steve with a slight smile. Then they hear the school bell, which announces the end of the short break and both go to their last two subjects before school ends.

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