a helping wolf

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Today is Wednesday, halftime to the weekend all the students think to themselves as they sit in their class early in the morning and wait for their teacher. Last week they had to write a very hard physics test and today they are finally getting the results back. Most are very nervous and know that they messed up the test. The VIPs (aka Alphas and their hot snails 😉) didn't care, they concentrate much more on their other talents like sport and are not interested in something stupid and boring like school material.

When the teacher handed out the improved tests, there was a lot of whining and moan from the students, a clear sign that they got a bad grade. Steve was pretty confident though, he'd studied late into the night for a week and knew every answer. He would definitely get a good grade.

"Very good job Steve, a clear A." If only you could say that from the rest of the class! "His teacher praised him and when he went to his table, the first paper balls flew on the back of Steve's head and he heard words like :

"Nerd !!! Jerk!!! You will pay for that "but so quietly that the teacher did not hear anything. But shortly afterwards a clear "SLAP" and an "Ouch !!" could be heard. When a few students turned around, the boy to Chris' left rubbed the back of his head while Chris glared at him with his arms crossed and his head shaking. Steve had to grin slightly at this sight like some others. Even the teacher, who probably noticed this, couldn't suppress a grin.

A few hours of boredom school later it was finally noon and everyone went to eat. During this time, nothing special happened except for the daily harassment and humiliation of the athletes for entertainment and demonstration of power such as wedgies, pressing face in food, dipping in the garbage can or pouring food into someone's pants and then a wedgie.

However, as Steve and his buddies walked down the hall to their lockers afterwards, they saw a large group of students gathered in front of them and great laughter could be heard from afar. They wanted to see what was going on and saw David holding a smaller student by his white underpants and then throwing him to the ground. Immediately it was noticed that his hair and his face are completely wet. Obviously David had given him several swirlies in the bathroom behind them. The boy, whose name is Nick, was still spitting out toilet water and trying to grab his breath again while everyone around him laughed. When he got up and tried to run away, a cheerleader named Sarah tripped him and laughed as he fell to the ground. A friend of hers grabbed Nick's hair with a handkerchief in her hand and lifted his head and Sarah held her cell phone right in front of his face and took many photos of the tortured boy, who was now clearly crying due to the humiliation.

But when nobody expected it, someone grabbed Sarah's cell phone from her hand. When she turned to the stranger, that loud "SLAP" could be heard again. The stranger slapped her so hard that Sarah staggered through the force and then fell to the ground. Steve and everyone else saw that it was Chris, the newcomer to the school. He threw the captured cell phone on the ground and slammed his foot with full force on it so that the photos could not be distributed.

Sarah screamed in pain and anger and David (her lover) immediately stormed up to Chris, who was unimpressed. When David try to hit Chris, he dodged shortly before and in turn hit the athlete hard in his cheek.

"That was your death sentence, freshman !!!!" shouted David furiously and tried again to give his opponent a strong hit. Chris, however, ducked and landed two heavy hits in David's stomach. Visibly weakened, David now storms towards him and like in a football game, grabbed his opponents body (as if he were hugging his stomach) and tried to throw him over his shoulder onto the floor. Chris, however, who knows this trick well, rams his elbow directly into his spine, causing David to scream in pain and loosen his grip. Chris used this to ram his knee into his enemies stomach and then a hard punch directly on his nose.

David crashes against the lockers with a bleeding face and was so weak that he could not prevent or evade when Chris gripped his hands tightly around his neck and squeezed. He doesn't want to strangle him, just weaken him further and shortly afterwards David begins to desperately gasp for air, which he urgently needs in order to continue living.

"Listen you bastard, if I see again that you or one of your scum friends is bullying someone here then I swear I'll kill you ... I WILL KILL YOU !!!!!!"

With these words Chris pushes him again against the lockers and knocks him out with a slap directly in his face and David goes down and doesn't move anymore. Sarah, totally desperate at the sight, runs to her sweetheart and tries to comfort him. When Chris sees her doing it, he grabs her long hair and pulls her to him.

"The same applies to you and your girlfriends !!! Do you understand, bitch ?? "and throws her at the unconscious David.

Everyone around him is totally shocked and speechless by the show they had just seen. They would never have expected something like that from him or that someone would ever take on one of the most feared bullies in the whole school....and win !!

"Now you know what was going on at my old school. There I also beat up every bully to protect the weaker ones !!! "calls out Chris to the crowd and goes to Nick, who is still sitting on the floor, and crouches next to him. He is also shocked by his shown strength and is afraid of being the next to be beaten.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you (soft smile). Everything OK with you? Should I take you to the school nurse? "

Nick just shakes his head slightly No and gets up. "Thank you for helping me"

"No problem, always gladly" with these words Chris goes to his next class.

Steve and his friends run over to Nick and accompany him back to the bathroom to dry him off and then go to their next classes together.

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