a Wolf in Sheep's clothing

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The next morning Steve got ready for school as usual and got on the school bus. The trip went good, as Paul and Robert preferred to chat together and didn't want to annoy him again today.

When he got to his class, Steve sat in his seat and waited quietly for class to begin. But today something new happened. When the teacher came in he had a new student with him. He was quite big, almost as big as Jason, so he towers over Steve a lot. He was also very muscular and probably trains a lot.

"No, please not another bully," Steve whispers softly.

For the next few minutes, the teacher told his class a little bit about the newcomer and why he is here. That's how they found out that his name is Chris and that he moved to this school because his family moved here. His 2 biggest hobbies are training (which you could see) and wolves. He also said that there were always "problems" at his old school, but there were legitimate reasons for this.

Then Chris was allowed to look for a free seat. Everyone stared at him as he passed them and sat down further back. The smaller ones were already scared of him and the Jocks giggled at him as if they were mocking him. He was definetely already on her "list". Then the class started.

In the course of the hour Chris received a note from the person sitting next to him, which he should give him from the bullies further back. When Chris secretly opened it and read it, there stand only 3 words on it:

"Alpha or Nerd"

Chris, who understood the message immediately, showed his teeth like an animal and immediately tore the note.

The rest of the class was normal, Steve and a few others answered as best they could, which is why they were repeatedly shot at and spat at with paper balls and the others waited for the bell to ring to release. What was a bit unusual was that Chris worked quietly the whole time like a good student and wrote down everything the teacher tell them to write. The whole time he didn't say a single word. Wasn't he what they thought at the beginning?

When the bell finally announced the lunch break, most of them stormed off immediately. Steve took some time so as not to get into the crowd, when it comes to food, almost all students are like animals. When he has finished packing everything, he looks over at the new one and was amazed that he did the same and took his time. The moment Steve got up he heard a voice next to him:

"Can you please show me where the cafeteria is?"

Standing next to him was Chris, this tall and strong newbie, but what was much more surprising is, that he asked politely instead of berating or threatening him.

"Um ... sure ... just follow me," replied Steve, still a little puzzled by his behavior.

When they arrived, Chris thanked him, got his food and sat at an empty table. Steve sat with his friends, of course, but kept looking over at him. During the whole break he could see how Chris watched the people around him: the friends who chatted and laughed together, the hardworking ones who were still studying during the break and unfortunately also the bullies who bullied the others. At the sight of this, Chris's hands formed into fists and he got those teeth bared face again like a evil animal.

The rest of the day went by reasonably quickly and without too much problems for Steve and his friends. A few stinking humiliations here and a few punches there, but nothing unusual.

If only he had known what to expect tomorrow ... (😉)

The Wolfpack at schoolWhere stories live. Discover now