Chapter ten: wind, water, and snow

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Velkhana was uneasy. After Valomyr had introduced Namile, a strange elder dragon who could control water, Velkhana became anxious. Velkhana felt as if something that she never wanted to remember was coming back to haunt her. "Are you alright Velkhana?" Valomyr said. "Yes, I-I am fine Valomyr." Velkhana said. "You sound anxious, are you really ok?" Valomyr said. Velkhana liked how Valomyr cared so much about her, and respected her as an elder dragon, something she had been neglected of. "I appreciate your concern Valomyr, but I assure you, I am fine" Velkhana said. Valomyr nodded. "Namielle is resting in the eastern corridor of the den, in case you wanted to know" Valomyr said. Velkhana was about to reply, when suddenly, she heard a roar. This was a roar that Velkhana had wanted to forget ever since she heard it. This roar was from the eater of elders, the horned king himself. As Velkhana turned to look behind her, something smashed into the center of her den. As Velkhana got a better look, she saw Nergigante rise from the small crater he had left. Nergigante looked to Velkhana, and gave off a sinister grin. "So, you have been hiding in this wasteland of a home have you? Typical of elder dragons. They run at the mere sound of danger, and never think to fight back for what they stand for." Nergigante said, beginning to circle Valomyr and Velkhana. Valomyr instantly knew who Nergigante was, and jumped in front of Velkhana. "You are not welcome on these grounds. Leave at once." Valomyr snarled. Nergigante chuckled. "You elder dragons are always the same. You destroy ecosystems wherever you go, and I am the one who must rebuild what you destroy." Nergigante said. Velkhana took a fighting stance along with Valomyr. After staring each other down, Nergigante let out a roar, and charged forward. Velkhana stood her ground. Velkhana had been tormented by this monster for the past day, and she refused to run away again. As Nergigante lept into the duo, he smashed his head into Valomyr's skull, knocking him unconscious. Nergigante advanced onto the kushala daora, when suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his lower thigh. He turned over to see Velkhana, covered in her ice armor, and a small amount of blood dripping off of the sharp end of her tail. "You get your damn claws off of him!" Velkhana snarled, rage cloaking her voice. She already lost hawthorn, she wasn't ready to lose Valomyr. "Well, it seems as if you have finally decided to stop running.... how laughable." Nergigante said. Nergigante then lept forward, swinging one of his forearms into Velkhana's head. Velkhana felt blood run from her face. Velkhana then spread her wings and took to the air, with Nergigante following. Velkhana looked down upon her nemesis, baring her teeth. Nergigante looked up to Velkhana, doing the same. Velkhana wasted no time using her ice breath in an attempt to freeze Nergigante. However, as Velkhana's ice breath slammed into Nergigante, it seemed to have little effect, much to Velkhana's dismay. Velkhana then felt Nergigante tackle her in midair, sending the two crashing into the ground. Velkhana was the pinned down by Nergigante. As Nergigante loomed over Velkhana, he laughed. "You think you can defeat death itself? Your more pathetic than that tigrex in the rotten vale!" Nergigante roared. Nergigante then jabbed his claws into Velkhana's stomach. Velkhana let out a shriek of agony. "I'm going to die. I'm actually going to die." Velkhana thought to herself. As Velkhana began to feel light headed, Nergigante grinned, knowing his prey was weakened. As Nergigante withdrew his claws from the wound he had inflicted on Velkhana's stomach, Velkhana collapsed to the ground, blood spilling everywhere. Velkhana weakly looked up to Nergigante, seeing his forearm raised, ready to crush her skull. "Do it then.... I'm not afraid of you anymore." Velkhana spat, taunting Nergigante. Just as Nergigante was about to grant Velkhana's death wish, he suddenly felt something boiling hot slam into his back. Nergigante instantly recognized this foreign attack as a beam of steaming water. As Nergigante roared in pain, he jerked his head behind him to see Namielle standing behind him, with a look of pure hatred in her face. "Get. The fuck. Away from them." Namielle snarled. "What's this? Another heathen has a death wish?" Nergigante growled. "Death is what you will be embracing in a few seconds" Namielle growled. Nergigante launched forward, looking eager to kill Namielle. However, Namielle simply fired a stream of water into Nergigante, knocking him to the floor. As Nergigante struggled to get up, he realized that a blue slime had pinned him down. Nergigante then realized that the water that was blasted at him had seemingly hardened into a liquid slime. Namielle strutted forward, and began to charge electricity within her claws. Once Namielle laud a claw on the slime that pinned Nergigante down, the slime became electrified, shocking Nergigante. After a few seconds of Nergigante screaming in agony, Nergigante forced himself free. Nergigante stumbled backwards. "Get out." Namielle snarled. Nergigante looked forward, and attempted to attack Namielle once more. However, Nergigante felt Velkhana slash one of  his eyes out with her tail. Nergigante recoiled in pain, blood pouring from what was left of his eye. Nergigante looked over to Velkhana and Namielle. "This isn't over.... I will return one day.... and I will kill every one of you..." Nergigante growled. "As if that will ever happen." Namielle said. "Exactly, now leave." Velkhana said. Nergigante took to the sky, and flew away from Velkhana's den. A few seconds later, Velkhana fell to her side, her adrenaline now lost. Namielle and a now conscious Valomyr ran over to her, tending to Velkhana. The two elder dragons desperately tried to wake Velkhana up, uncertain of Velkhana's fate.

Nergigante had never felt so humiliated in his life. "I cannot believe I lost to a jellyfish." Nergigante said to himself. As Nergigante pouted to himself, he suddenly began to hear singing again. This time, Nergigante was able to pinpoint the songs location, which happened to be on a small island in the horizon. Nergigante than began to fly to the island, determined to figure out if Shara ishvalda had really been reawakened. If Shara ishvalda had reawoken, Nergigante would need to kill Shara ishvalda, before Shara ishvalda could leave the island, and destroy the new world.

(Book 1) Legends of the new world: The snow empress and the horned king Where stories live. Discover now