Chapter five: a new threat

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Velkhana shifted uncomfortably, occasionally wincing in pain from her fractured ribs. She stretched her wings slowly, and adjusted them to a more comfortable position. Hawthorn had left the cave over an hour ago to find food for Velkhana, but hadn't returned at all. Velkhana began to show concern, as she knew hawthorn had just as many wounds as she did, making him an easy target. After a few more minutes passed, Velkhana knew she had to go look for him. Velkhana stood up, spread her wings, and took flight. She flew in the direction hawthorn flew, picking up his scent in the process. After a few moments, Velkhana landed on the snow covered ground and saw something lying down in the distance. Velkhana had a sinking feeling in her stomach as she approached whatever that thing was. She happened to notice that it was a barioth, clearly dead from the amount of blood that it lost. Velkhana carefully moved the body of the barioth so that it would be facing her. Unfortunately, Velkhana's worst fears came true, after seeing that the barioth had its throat cut. However something was different about this barioth. Unlike other barioth's, this one had a scar over his left eye. Velkhana realized that this scar was the exact same one she had given hawthorn when they fought each other. Velkhana shook her head in denial, but couldn't further deny what she had realized. Hawthorn was dead, killed by some creature from the looks of it. Velkhana Lowered her head to pay respect to her fallen friend. "Don't worry hawthorn, I will find whoever did this, and I will make them pay for their actions." Velkhana said softly, seething with rage from deep within her mind. She tried to pick up the scent of hawthorns killer, thinking it would be Thor or nergigante. However, she happened to pick up the scent of a creature she had not seen for ages. A human. Velkhana was confused as to how a human could kill such a powerful beast like hawthorn with ease, when suddenly, she put the pieces together. She remembered the legendary hunter who presumably slayed xeno'jiiva, and realized that a hunter that strong would most likely come after hawthorn. But then she realized something. "Why would the hunter kill hawthorn of all monsters?" Velkhana said to herself. She then realized that she had frozen a particular legiana hours before she met hawthorn. "Both hawthorn and I could freeze others with our powers, meaning that the hunter is looking for us." Velkhana said to herself, fear beginning to return to her mind. Velkhana knew she had to seek shelter, and fast. Velkhana spread her wings and lifted herself into the sky, flying as fast as her wings could carry her.

Nergigante was patrolling the hoarfrost reach for any sign of Velkhana. Val had left nergigante for a while to maintain order within the rotten vale. Nergigante's stomach growled, having been deprived of the bioenergy within an elder dragon. Nergigante was in a miserable state, to say the least. However, as he grumbled to himself, his forearm hit something on the ground in front of him. He looked down to see a deceased barioth sprawled out before him. Nergigante leaned in closer to the dead body to get a better look at what had killed it. He happened to notice that the barioth had a huge cut on his neck. Nergigante then picked up a scent of a hunter. Nergigante bared his teeth, recognizing who this hunter was. This was the hunter who had nearly doomed the ecosystem, almost released an abomination of an elder dragon into the world, and the hunter who had defeated him in combat. Nergigante slammed his forearms into the icy ground, and let out a bellowing roar. Nergigante already had to deal with Velkhana, the hunter joining the fray would make his quest even more difficult than it already was. Nergigante launched himself into the air, in search of his old rival. However, as Nergigante flew away, something was lurking in a nearby cave. It's blue, fierce eyes watched as Nergigante left the area. Then, slowly, a huge Tigrex lumbered from its cave, grabbed the deceased barioth corpse by its tail, and dragged it back into its cave. Now most hunters would think that this was just an ordinary tigrex. These hunters couldn't have Been more wrong. This was no ordinary tigrex at all. This was the most powerful tigrex that humanity would ever see. This tigrex was known as the legendary "grimclaw". Grimclaw had heard about Nergigante's hunt for Velkhana, And had been waiting paitiently for Nergigante to leave before he could plan out his attack. Grimclaw has dreamed about the day when he would finally kill Nergigante, and gain the respect he deserved within the hoarfrost reach.

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