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Hello! This is the book I have specifically created to share my Whumptober works with my friends. You can find the announcement and the Tumblr prompts on my random book (Ping's life).

People who might be interested:







Let's start with important stuff now.

Yesterday I asked you to tell me which characters you would prefer for this Whumptober; here are the results:

1)Vader and Luke WIN!!!!!!!
2)Han and Luke
3)Han and Leia

(I also considered my Italian followers in this survey).

But I won't write ONLY about Vader and Luke, even if I love them. Some prompts sound just perfect for the other couples, so I'll vary the themes when I want to!

Also: some of the one shots I'll write will be thought directly in English, while others will be translated for the ones I have posted on my main account. That's why, probably, the numbers won't be in their natural sequence XD

The first chapter will be probably published tomorrow.

I think I don't have anything to add... just enjoy!

May the Whump be with you!

Whumptober 2020Where stories live. Discover now