"What the hell is he talking about?" Melissa says at the same time as me.

"He does this every year." Stiles states as I cross my arms over my chest shaking my head at how the other boys were getting pumped up by his strange speech.



"I think he's insane." I mumble earning a chuckle from Mrs McCall and Stiles.

"We are fighting for our right to live." The players cheer and bang their lacrosse sticks on the floor.

"Wait, is this?"

"Yeah, it's the speech from Independence Day."

Coach goes on, my eyes fluttering closed and a yawn escaping my lips. It feels like I haven't had any sleep in a year but in reality it's since I turned up in Beacon Hills, every time I've woke up I haven't felt one bit refreshed.

"Today we celebrate out Independence Day!" Coach shouts the end with so much heart causing the players to go in a ruckus. He talks with so much passion that no one even cares if the speech is from a movie.

"Stiles? Who's this?" Mrs. McCall's voice breaks my eyes away from in front of me.

"This is my friend Luna. She'll take you to the seats outside in a minute." As Stiles speaks, Gerard's voice rings throughout my ears as he stands behind coach, talking to the team, but somehow his eyes never left mine. His cold and creepy stare even managed to make goosebumps rise on my arms.

"I - I uh, got to go..." I rush out, wanting to avoid Gerard's eyes. The fact that he was working with Lucien doesn't give me much confidence that I'll be seeing the next full moon, I mean Lucien could've told him what I am and what can kill me.


Now that I'm cooled of and the thought of impending doom have somewhat disappeared, I head back out on the field, a smile on my face as I stalk in the direction of Scott and Stiles who are on the bench.

"Hello boys!" I bellow down their ears and I push them aside to sit inbetween them. They continue their conversation as I rock side to side, usingmy enhanced hearing to listen in o somebody's music that is playing.

"We're losing dude." Stiles sighs.

"The hell are you talking about?" Coach comes up behind us and glares at the two boys. "Game hasn't even started. Now put on your helmet and get ou there. You're in for Greenberg." Coach tells him, making Stiles' face light up.

"What happened to Greenberg?"

"What happened to Greenberg? He sucks. You suck slightly less."

"I'm playing? On the field? With the team?"

"Stiles get your butt on the field before I throw you on it." I bark slapping his shoulders.

"You heard the lady. Ass on the field. Unless you'd rather play with yourself." Coach answers back.

"I already did that today, twice." Stiles discloses, making my nose scrunch up and hand to slap him in the cheek.

Luna Hale - Jet Black HeartWhere stories live. Discover now