Chapter 20

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Coraline had no choice but to leave Norman within the mirror.

Grabbing Wybie, she dashed downstairs to face the witch.

"You like games?" she said, "Then let's play . . . "


Kubo didn't know what was happening, but he did know one thing.

It was cold. It was freezing cold.

He wished that he could help his friends.

Wished that he could use his magic.

But there was dark magic messing with his mind.


Coraline yelled at the Beldam.

Wybie had no clue what the girl was doing as he watched from a distance.

"Coraline, dear, what's gotten into you?"

"I want to see what you can do." Coraline morphed herself into her 'normal' self, "So let's play."

She jumped away, dodging as the Beldam jumped towards her, hand out. "Come here, darling!"

She moved with agility, flipping and moving with ease.

The Beldam growled, strange to see when it was a monstrous version of his grandmother.

"When . . . when could you do that?"

"Since I escaped the first time."

"Come back here, you coward girl!"


Coraline wasn't just scared.

She was frightened. Terrified, even.

She hoped Wybie was safe.

She dared a look, and felt a whack to her face. She flew, and hoped Wybie was keeping quiet.

She looked over to her other friends. Other Wybie had vanished and the Cat was within the free arm of Mr. Link, as Wybie had told her.

"With your magic, Coraline," the Beldam stared at her, baiting her further, "you're gonna have to take my place. You are like me, daughter."

She glanced at her captor. "No, I'm not!"

"Just face it. After all, you've got no choice."

She looked over at her friends.

Somehow Eggs, under her control of some sort, walked forward, his girlfriend in his grasp. He pushed her onto the ground and held her down with his foot and took a box from the Beldam.

"What . . . what are you doing?"

The witch looked at her. "You've got two choices, Coraline. You'll stay here, become my daughter and I'll let your friends go, or one of your friends stay in your place."

Coraline had to play this smart. The Beldam had the upper hand. She was winning this battle, but she had to keep up the charade. She knew that the lady would not free any of them, whether or not she agreed.

"I want to create a counter-offer."

"Bad choice, Coraline."

She nodded at Eggs. He pulled out some things - a thread and a needle. Then, two buttons appeared in his hands.

She wouldn't dare.

With Winnie whimpering and begging her boyfriend to stop, Coraline felt her heart crack.

She couldn't let someone lose their loved one.

The threaded needle and button neared the girl's face, and Coraline's heart pounded in her chest.

"Take me! Free them, but take me!"

"Good choice."

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