Chapter 10

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"My . . . friends? W-what do you mean?" Coraline said, trying to hide her fear.

"The kids who you were with, darling."

Wybie. Norman. Kubo. Eggs. Winnie. Even Lionel.

She knew they were here. Trapped here, just as she was.

"We were just group-mates, we're not friends. Don't you dare involve anyone else, 'Mother'."

The Beldam gave her signature grin, "Oh, but they've been invited here tonight."

"What about Wybie?"

"He'll stay here tonight."


Kubo sat beside his new friend and smiled. Norman smiled back.

"You . . . mentioned earlier that you can see ghosts?"

Norman let out a breathy laugh. "Y-yeah. And you are . . . ?"

He'd forgotten Norman lost his memories. "My name is Kubo. I'm a demigod . . . in a way."

"That's so cool!" Norman looked at the stringed instrument slung on his shoulder. "That's a nice guitar you have."

Kubo chuckled, tugging the strap ever so slightly, "It's not a guitar. People in my hometown call it a shamisen, samisen, or a sangen. It's a Japanese instrument. Well, it originated in China, but we use it in Japan as well."

"Why did you bring it here, to America?"

"Let's just say . . . it belonged to my Mother."

Norman looked at the Japanese boy. "Is she-"


He let out a small gasp, "I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how that must feel."

"Don't be. You had no idea."

Kubo ran his fingers over the instrument, "The strings broke. Twice. I mended it myself."

As they stared into the night sky, Kubo gave a smile. "I hope Coraline solves the problem."

Moments later, they fell asleep.


When he awoke, Kubo realised that they were in the house Coraline had warned them not to enter, and that everyone else was still unconscious.

"Eggs! Norman! Wake up! We have to leave."

"Oh, I'm afraid they won't be waking anytime soon." He heard a voice from behind him. "And you won't be leaving. Not yet. Coraline is waiting for you."

He didn't turn. Hadn't felt this fear since . . . years ago. When he faced the Moon King. When he'd lost his Mother.

"Who are you?"

"Why, I'm Coraline's Mother, of course. And you are Kubo."

His heart pounded in his chest. Blood rushed to his brain. If only he had the armour.

"Let her go. Let us all go."

"Now why would I do that? Why would I when all of you would be great additions to my world?" The voice continued.

"Nothing you could say would sway me to your side."

"Nothing? What about your parents? Your kind, loving family?"

Kubo still refused to look at the magical being, even if the magical blood in his own veins beckoned for him to. "They're gone."

"But I can bring them to you. In here, anything is possible."

Kubo pondered her words. He'd give anything to have the family he'd always dream of having, or so he thought.

The voice seemed to change, morphing into a familiar, feminine voice. "Kubo, why leave when you can stay here, with me? With us?"

He knew that voice, spinning around. "Mother?"

For his Mother indeed stood there. With one difference.

There were buttons where her eyes should be.

Kubo came to a sudden realisation.

The Other Mother was real. The Beldam was real.

"Leave them alone! I never said you could touch them!" Kubo heard. Coraline.

The girl stepped out from behind the wall, looking like her body had regressed a year. Her hair was no longer brown, but a blue that Kubo could only assume was dyed.

"This is between you and me, Mother. Leave others out of this."

She saw her own Mother's face staring back at her.

"Eavesdropping and interrupting is very rude, Coraline." The Beldam looked at the girl. "And is that any way to talk to your Mother?"

"As I've mentioned many times, 'You aren't my Mother!'" she snapped. "I'm only continuing with this ridiculous charade because you said you will free them."

"Let's just put it this way; I changed my mind."

Coraline stared at the Beldam. Well, more of glared.

Then, she lunged.

Lunged straight for the Beldam.

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