Chapter 17

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She had to help them, but the Beldam had many puppets helping her now.

She knew that escaping from the house was near impossible, especially with the new Other Bobinsky, Spink and Forcible.

They would convince her to visit their houses, and watch their shows, even if the blue-haired girl didn't want to.

Plus, with the mice and rats all over, it was a miracle that they hadn't found her friends yet, even if they would sound an alarm when she tried to leave.

She didn't want to risk using her magic, as she didn't want to be caught, or turning evil.

In her room, she just sat by the windowsill and stared into the eternally dark sky.

She hoped her friends were alright, and hoped that she could do something to save Kubo from that witch's clutch.


They had a plan.

One of them would distract the Beldam as the rest split up.

They had the game in mind.

Even Lionel and Mr. Link would join.

They just hoped they weren't too late.

"Everyone ready?"

They all nodded, even if it was obvious that they didn't want to do this.

Then, they walked towards the house.


This was about as exciting that his life was going to get.

Lionel walked ahead of the children, taking a deep breath.

They approached the door to the Pink Palace.

With a deep breath, he knocked. One rap. Two. Three.

Lionel moved behind the children with his friend as the door creaked open. "Hello children!"

"H-hi, Mrs Jones . . . we're here to see Coraline!" Wybourne gave as convincing a smile as he could muster.

"Oh, of course! Come on in!"

Lionel beheld the lady. He saw an old woman . . . one that looked like his Mother.

He was sure that was what they saw, too. But the Beldam bought the act.

Wybie made to dash up the stairs, but the Beldam forced them all to take a seat at the dining table. "I'll get her, dear."

Then, she disappeared as she stalked up the steps, her heels clicking as she moved.

"Remember the plan," Winnie mouthed, and they all dropped their chins in subtle nods.


Coraline gasped as she saw her friends approaching the front door.

Then, her view was blocked.

One soft knock on her door. "Coraline, dear . . . your friends are here to see you!"

Coraline willed her face not to contort into one of horror. Were they out of their minds? Did they want to die?

"I-I'll be down in a moment, 'Mother'."

She had to go down now. There was no going back. "Maybe they have some sort of plan . . . "


Kubo tried to move, tried to grab his shamisen, but his fingers refused to work.

He wished that he could see his Mother at that instant. Even his now-loving grandfather.


Eggs felt terrified as the creature who took the form of a woman he never knew, but assumed would have been his mother, made a meal for all of them.

They had to keep up the act, so he put on a smile and joined in the 'conversation', trying pretending to be talking about something.

Then, they saw her.

The blue-haired girl walked down the steps and waved at them, face in a smile.

Eggs couldn't tell if it was forced or genuine.

She took the empty seat between Winnie and Lionel and joined in their mock conversation, as if she had known about the plan.

"Hey, Jonesy, wanna play a game?"

Wybie winked at the girl, who chuckled, "What sort of game?"

"How about . . . 'Hide-and-Seek Tag'?"


Hide-and-seek tag?

That was very similar to the game that she first suggested when she came here. When she'd initially thought that this would be her new home.

She looked at the cake set before her.

'Welcome home!' was written on it, and she felt a tingle of confusion. "Home?"

The Other Mother took her Other Father's hand. "We've been waiting for you, Coraline."

"For me?"

The Other Father smiled, "Yep. Wasn't the same without you, kiddo."

She stared at the couple. "I didn't know I had another Mother."

"Of course you do!" The Other Mother chirruped. "Everyone does." The Other Father nodded his agreement.


"Uh huh!" The Other Mother gave her a loving smile. "And soon as you're through eating I thought we'd play a game." 

Her fingers began tapping on the table. Coraline kept her arms folded. "You mean like . . . hide-and-seek?"

"Perfect. Hide-and-seek, in the rain."

"What rain?" Thunder clapped and lightning flashed. Shocked, Coraline just said one word. "Huh."

The girl dropped her spoon.

"Coraline? You okay?"

"Yeah. Blanked out for a moment." Coraline picked her spoon up. "You were saying?"

"I was saying, your 'Mother' can join us, too. Lionel is joining."

Coraline glanced at her Other Mother. Then at her friends.

A silent agreement passed between them.

She nodded. "Sure."

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