Chapter 7 - Error 404

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"reaper?!" nightmare shouted "u-uhm.." reaper teleported somewhere else "hey!" nightmare shouted but it was too late, reaper is now gone "dang it..." nightmare said disappointedly as the others came "what happened?" dust said as nightmare told everything as there eyes widened "you saw reaper!?" horror shouted as nightmare nodded as bill sighs "lets go continue the walk" bill said as they all nodded and continued there walk at the village.

*le tem skiiiip!*

"that was so fun!" killer exclaimed and sat on the couch "It sU4e W@s" error said with his glitchy voice.

*with the star sanses*

"dream!" ink shouted "yes ink?" dream said as ink huffed "SS chara she's....." "she's what?" dream ask "shes gone!" ink said as dream gasp and her eyes widened "she's what!?" dream shouted "she's dead" ink said "bring me to them" dream said

*another le tem skip by your lazy ass no motivation author*

"what happened epic?" dream ask "we just saw Ss chara's dead body in the snow bruh, thats it" epic said "u-uhm... dream" lust said "yes?" dream said as lust pointed down a snow which had letters that are made out of blood


the note in the snow said that is made out of blood

"what the f#ck" G cussed while looking down at the note in the snow, alter was scared at that time so G tried to calm him down as alter calmed down "who did this cruel thing?" alter ask as ink sighs "another meeting dream?" ink ask dream as dream nodded

*le tem skip again bc im a person that is loosing motivation*

"i called you all for a meeting" ink said "what happened this time?" razz said annoyingly "well.... Ss chara died" ink said "what!?" blue shouted "calm down blue...." dream said as blue calmed down "so who killed her?" mafia ask "we don't know..." ink said as razz stand up and punch the table "razz your hurting mr. table!" blue said but razz ignore blue "What the f#ck is this!?" razz shouted and throw a chair in the wall "mr. Chair!" blue shouted "calm yourself razz!" love said as razz calmed down "im so done with this." razz said and walked away as love sighs "what should we do ink?" love ask "i don't know...." ink said as he sighs "meeting over." ink said as he walked away

*with ink*

Ink was in the white pink forest, walking until he heard footsteps behind him, ink looked at his back but there was no one until blue strings wrap ink's body as he sighs "why are you here error?" ink said as a shadow showed up and it was error "sUP sQu1∆" error said with his very glitchy voice "wH@t Br1ng$ y0u heR6?" error ask "just walking and btw did you kill Ss chara?" ink asked "N0" error said "1t mu$T b6 Th6 NeW m6mber" error said to himself "new member?" ink said as error let go of ink "who's the new member?" ink ask "1ts N0ne Of y0ur b∆sin6ss sQu1¶" error said as he walk away "new member huh?" ink said to himself as he stand up and open a portal as ink walk in.

Ink was in the portal and he saw that everything is white like an anti-void that error lives in "Wh@t D0 yOu w@nT" a glitchy voice said, ink look where the voice was and saw a glitchy white skeleton that is wearing white and blue "oh hi!" ink said joyfully "wHy @re yOu h6re?" the white and blue skeleton said "oh it's nothing"

"Error 404."

((sorry if tye story is short i have to fricking review for my exams, i hate it so much))

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