chapter 34

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Peeta stops.

"Are you coming? " I ask Peeta over me shoulder.

"Katniss are you crazy? Maybe I really should get Cato... " He replies.

"Now you sound crazy. as back to camp to wake Cato so he can reprimand me? Don't. Plus we are almost there. I just want to hurt her pride Peeta. Don't act like you don't want to see that!" He laughs.

"True, but I don't want you to get hurt."

"I won't and any way you'll help me."

I say.

"That is also true." He laughs again.


(6 hours of-camping-with-Peeta-later)

The sun was rising and the birds started to chirp. I look at the birds. Mockingjays. Just like the one on my pin. I place my hand under my jacket collar and touch the pin, making sure it was there. We had reached the cornucopia hours ago. I could see the back packs with our much needed items, with large numbers on them for each district. I wait for Clove to come out but she doesn't.

"Katniss let's just get the bag and go!" Peeta whispers.

"Fine. Here's the plan grab bag 2, 5, 11, and 12. I'll stay here and guard."

" What? No! I'm not doing that!"

"Then I will!" I tell him.

"Fine I'll go." I ready my bow. I give him a nod of encouragement and watch him run to the . He grabs the bags and runs back to me.

"Man, that was easy." He says bending over to catch his breath.

"Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. " I look around, trying to find Clove.

"We should go." I say to Peeta. He nods at me. We turn around and continue to walk back towards camp. I hear a rustling sound in a bush. I ready my bow. Out hops a bunny. Really ? Peeta laughs at me.

"What? I thought it was Clove." I say with a shrug. I continue to walk. I listened to hear peeta's loud foot steps. Getting worried. I spin around. I didn't see Peeta. I yell his name a few times.

"Peeta this isn't funny! " I yell.

"I think it is." a voice behind me says. I turn to see Thresh holding a huge rock in one hand and knives in the other. I run off into the bushes. Thresh was a hell of a lot scarier then Clove. I was shocked to see Clove holding Peeta down, a knife placed on his neck.

"Just one little kiss Peeta. Just to show fire girl she doesn't have every one." Clove says leaning down. She kissed him. He didn't move his lips or anything. His eyes were open and they fell on me. His eyes filled with guilt but he had done nothing wrong. Clove was causing all the trouble. She slaps him hard on the face.

"You didn't prove that you wanted to stay alive so..." Clove raises the knife. I feel thresh grab hold of me so I couldn't run.

"NO! " I scream. Clove looks up at me, smirking.

"Katniss I'm sorry, I love you." Peeta says, a tear rolling down the side of his cheek. I look at him.

"Don't kill him Clove!" She laughs and slices Peeta's neck. I scream in fury as my boy with the bread's eyes glass over. I Yank me arms from Thresh and shove him to the ground. I pull an arrow from my quiver, breathe in as I pull the arrow back and release.

Authors note: 380 equals Peeta pov 400 equals Cato pov. Check out my other stories as well guys!!

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