Chapter 7 - The Court

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The week passed really fast and without knowing today was the day where it will be determined if Mia will be on my custody or not. And I was super nervous.

While Max took Mia with him in his last 'hang out', I talked to my lawyer and started arranging stuff for the case and I would say we did pretty well. We have a great opportunity on winning.

As of right now I was getting a bath, letting the water relax me for the big day today is. Mia is out watching tv so I know I don't have to worry about her, I told her to never go out of the house if I wasn't there with her. And I knew she understood.

I got out of the bathroom and went to my room. I started looking for clothes that will make me look professional, motherly and caring.

After 20 minutes of looking through my clothes I finally settled on a blue dress that flows down until it reaches my knees. I let my hair down and brush it and apply mousse to not make it look frizzy and ugly, then I put a white headband and a simple gold bracelet.

I called Mia, got her ready and then I went to the kitchen and made us something to eat. The door bell rang and I went to answer it. It was the nanny.

"Hello, come in" I said giving her space to walk in

"Hey" she said

"Mia is in the kitchen and she's eating, we'll be going in a minute, I'm just going to wash my teeth" I told her while going to the bathroom and washing my teeth

Mia had to come with me by a request of the judge but she will not be in the room with us until she is called thats why the nanny is here, to take care of her while waiting. I drove us to the court where the meeting will be held. I met my lawyer and went in to the room while Mia and Elisa, her nanny waited in the playground room.

We sat down and started discussing our next moves and minutes later Max entered taking a seat at the other table with his lawyer.

Minutes passed and then the judge came and the meeting started.

Right now I was sitting in a chair beside the judge where everyone could see me and Max's lawyer was interrogating me

"So, Ms. Stone why didn't you tell Mr. Hart of the baby?" He asked

"Well, I didn't think it will matter, he wasn't in the right position to be a father" I said shrugging

"How do you know that?"

"Well, he drank every week and even though we were trying to have a baby, I knew deep inside of him wasn't ready so I just saved him" I looked at Max and saw he was fuming

"You never thought of contacting him?"

"Yeah, a lot of times, but every time I would turn on the TV and see him with various girls with him in the news and then decide against it"

"But that didn't matter, you should have told me" Max yelled at me

"Be quiet Mr. Hart" the judge said tapping his hammer

"I don't have more questions" Max's lawyer said then went to sit down

"Ms. Stone you can go back to your sit now" the judge said while looking at me, then he glanced at Max. "Mr. Hart it will be your turn to be interrogated by Ms. Stone's lawyer"

Max stood up and went to sit where I was sitting before. My lawyer stood up and went to stand in front of him

"Mr. Hart, why do you think you deserve to have Mia's custody?" My lawyer asked

"Because I wasn't notified of her existence until a few weeks ago and because I'm her father that missed 3 years of her life" he said coldly while looking at me

"Ms. Stone said before that you weren't ready to have a child, do you think that is true?"

"Probably back before I might have not been ready, but when I saw Mia for the first time and started to be with her, being a father came naturally to me and right now I'm ready for her"

"Are you sure because the tabloids say otherwise?"

"That was before I met Mia and as you can see by reading the tabloids I'm not in one of them since I met Mia" Max said crossing his arms in his chest

"What happens if you start drinking and having girls in your bed like the tabloids say you've been doing?" Oh good one... I have a really good lawyer

"If that happens again, I myself will give Lilly Mia's custody"

"I'm done sir" my lawyer said to the judge

The rest of the meeting was me giving evidence of Max's infidelity and him saying I never told him anything about Mia

"Bring the girl in" the judge said. A security went out and seconds later got Mia in

Mia ran to Max and I couldn't help but feel jealous of her hugging him before, Mia hugged me and then went to sit in the chair we were sitting before

A child service lawyer went up to her with a smile plastered on her face

"Mia, what do you think of your daddy?" The lawyer asked sweetly

"He's really nice and fun, and I love being with him" she said smiling. I looked at Max and saw him smiling at her. And suddenly my chest started to hurt

"And what do you think about your mommy?

"I love my mommy, and she helps me count and sings to me and sings really pretty and helps me get dressed up" I smiled at her and blew her a kiss

"What do you think of living with your daddy without your mommy?" Mia just shrugged

"I want to live with daddy but only if mommy is with me so we can be together forever" she said smiling

I felt guilty for not giving Mia a father before but I was too concentrated on me to care about her

"How does your mommy treat you?"

"She is nice but sometimes she gets mad at me for doing bad things but I know she cares and takes away my candy and never gives it back" I'm surprised of how well Mia talks and doesn't feel nervous at all

"And how does your dad treat you?"

"He is super nice with me and one time he got mad because he said I went to the deep part of the pool" she said giggling at the end

"Max" I yelled standing up

"Why did you leave her alone?" I said

"I was out to get a towel for her and when I came back she was in the deep part" he said wanting to hide somewhere

"This is why I don't want him taking care of Mia" I told the judge

"Sit down Ms. Stone, Mr. Hart already explained himself" I sat down and let the lawyer finish her questions

"I'm done" the lawyer said and taking a seat

Mia went out the room and was escorted to the playground

"Time to make a decision" the judge said to the people who were supposed to make the decision.

They went to a private room and 34 minutes later they came out. Yes I count it while biting my nails.

"The decisions has been taken, now please everyone stand up" the judge said and everyone stood up

"We have decided that Mia's custody will be given too..."

Oops. Cliffhanger

Mia to the side >>>

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