I'm Saving Them All, Even If It Means Sacrificing Myself!

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Title:  I'm Saving Them All, Even If It Means Sacrificing Myself! |||Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc|||FEMALE READER VER.

By: Jolene5050

Could be search in Archiveofourown.org

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25839028/chapters/62774284


The sound of multiple beeps and clicks were heard around the large house. A girl sat on a gaming chair and played one of her favorite games. Her dead sleep-deprived eyes stared at the bright screen of the tv in the middle of the night. She played and played one of her favorite games, over and over again. Danganronpa, Trigger Happy Havoc. [Y/n] [L/n] was a very hardcore gamer, going days, and even nights without sleep because her video game was way too interesting than real life. As [Y/n] played her favorite game for the fifth time in a row and small text bubble came up.

"One in a lifetime chance! Be in DANGANRONPA!" [Y/n] sleep-deprived eyes scanned the text, thinking it was just a scam, she quickly pressed no but the tv glitched and the more [Y/n] pressed no the more the tv glitched again. Her eyebrows furrowed and suddenly her vision went white. And suddenly a very ominous voice rang out "Phuphuphu, have fun Miss, [L/n]."

And [Y/n] [L/n] woke up and found herself standing in front of Hope's Peak Academy.

But...could this really only be a video game?





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