String Theory

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Title: String Theory

By: NeoStarReset

Could be search in


Description: Among the 17 Ultimates, the protagonist Prairie Marble has no memories of her past, nor is she able to retain the memories of flashback lights. All she knows is that she has memories from when she first awakens from a locker within the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles.

Something about her is just too odd to ignore, even for an Ultimate, and Monokuma wants to get to the bottom of it. Will Prairie be able to survive the killing game and protect her peers? Or will Monokuma entice murder among them and taint their hearts with despair?


My View: (Spoiler alert!)This is an OC that could somehow remember the first awaken(When they were still pre game before the flash back) .... 

This is quite good too. The plot definitely is different from the canon so, if you want to read something different from the Danganronpa V3(53rd), then be my guest.

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