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By CobalticArkangel

Could be search in <Archive of Our Own>

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15829890/chapters/36857574


Despair is, implicitly, something to be tempered - like chocolate for a lover. Not the fettering chain but the purr into one's inner mind, seducing and alluring the deprived and the lonesome. Junko had learned from her mistake with class 78's fall, and resolves to induce the taut spiral of despondence with the careful graduation her cherished classmates deserved.

The precursor of despair is but humble doubt - raw, unfiltered, dubious, pawing at resolve with its mere presence alone. All doubt needs to fester is possibility, which the games at their purest draw out in tainted, toxic spades. And possibility promised entertainment, so she'd allowed the odd indulgences amidst her meticulous machinations: A living sister, her first of many to come. Where shall they attempt to take it, before the burden of choice enacts its unforgiving toll, and the mistakes that damn them are no one's to claim but their own?


Hopefully, a slightly more grounded (character-wise) take on DR1, with events resorted, cropped, or introduced to retell a different, divergent narrative that happens because of the choices that could be taken, and were. Just a random person's attempt at their first real story-driven fic, and hopefully the quality holds up throughout its entirety.

Big thanks to MayaThePhoenix for being the best beta a writer could ask for! You rock, buddy!

Previous Summary here, as update couldn't accommodate it.


IF Sayaka not pushed into murder
THEN lives saved

IF Mukuro survives
THEN Killing Games derailed

IF Makato hurt
THEN Hope stalls

IF Kyoko disrupted
THEN investigation inhibited

IF Amusing
THEN Kindly enjoy

ELSE Disregard previous inputs

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