"What's this?"

Draco's head spun around and his eyes widened, "It's nothing." He quickly said dismissing the small bottle.

"Go on tell me." I pleaded, he marched over and took the bottle out my hand, not breaking eye contact with me.

"I can't tell you." He said before placing it back where I found it. He closed the drawer after pulling out some clothes for me to wear. "Here, try these."

"Thanks." I take the clothes quickly from his hand. Why was he so quick to take the bottle away? Why didn't he tell me? Was it something bad? It was strange but I didn't want to pry any further, he'd tell me if he wanted too, right? I put the shorts and top on Draco had given me while he was facing the opposite way, he looked very preoccupied looking for something he had clearly lost.

"I missed the show?" He complained when he turned around and saw I was already changed.

"Didn't see enough of the show last night?" I rolled my eyes as I picked up my dress that was in a heap on the floor. He chuckled under his breath.

"Never." He gave me a wink which made me laugh. I made my way to the door, my dress in my hands, "I guess you'll be going then?"

"Yeah, thanks for umm... everything." I said awkwardly looking down at the floor, my hand on the door handle to leave.

"It was really my pleasure." He sauntered over with a very cheeky smile on his face.

"I know." I murmured down to the ground before I realised he was in earshot.

"What was that?" He said, bringing my face up to meet his with his fingers under by chin, raising an eyebrow, "I think it was as much my pleasure as yours Ana."

He lent in for a slow and painfully teasing kiss, one that made you wanting more, leaving your mind all fuzzy. It made me weak at the knees. As he pulled away he bit my lip, tugging at it gently before smiling to himself and pulling away completely, opening the door for me. "Keep the clothes, they look better on you."

I nodded and slid past him, keeping eye contact and closed the door behind me. I couldn't form any words, not even in my head, I was totally speechless. How could he make my heart beat so fast, it should be illegal for someone to do that. He could kill me and I don't even think I'd mind.

I skipped down the stairs and through the Slytherin common room, a few heads turned in my direction and I think I heard Pansey murmur something insulting under her breath, I wouldn't put it past her to do so, especially considering her 'little' obsession with a certain someone.

As I walked the halls I realised I was not the only one doing the 'walk of shame' as some people call it. Personally I'd call it a power walk, honestly it's crazy that some people shame others for having sex, let me live my life and you live yours and we'll just coexist. It was comforting to see familiar faces walk around the castle in last nights suits and makeup, yawning and looking to put it lightly, resembling death.

I held my head high and waltzed into the dorm room where Luna and Cho were talking about last night huddled up on Luna's bed.

"Where the hell have you been?" Cho said immediately.

"Merry Christmas to you too." I tried putting a light spin on the already predictable conversation.

"We've been worried sick." Luna added on gesturing for me to sit down.

"Umm I stayed over at a friends." I said trying not to raise suspicions.

"Which friend?" Luna asked innocently.

"Just someone from my class, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but I forgot."

I didn't want to tell them the whole truth about Draco and I but I didn't want to lie to them either, they weren't ready to listen, or rather I wasn't ready to tell them, I know they'd be disappointed in me after what happened before the ball. I saw the look on Cho's face as though she didn't quite believe me.

"You didn't tell anyone where you were going, you could've gotten killed." She said pushing aside any doubts for me.

"It's Hogwarts Cho, calm down, there's no safer place on earth." I laughed at them, it was great knowing that they were so worried for me, it meant they really cared.

"Still could've gotten hurt, who was it you stayed with again?" She questioned me once more.

"He's just someone from creatures."

"HE!" They both yelled in surprise simultaneously. I hadn't realised I said he, shit, they're going to know.

"Don't tell me it was Draco." I dropped my head down to the bed, I knew they knew. They're eyes said everything they needed to, they were angry at me, disappointed, they couldn't believe I went back with him.

"Ana you can't be serious right now." Luna stayed silent, they both stood up like they were about to lecture me.

"Cho please..." I began trying to explain.

"No Ana, he hurt you bad last time, and I can guarantee it's gonna happen again."

"No it won't trust me." I tried to reassure them but they weren't believing me.

"Ana we were there for you, when he wasn't." Luna sounded as though she could cry, it made tears well up in my eyes, she and I had always shared that in common, being emotional, in fact all three of us did.

We all cried when Luna's pet passed away, we all cried when Cho and Cedric went on a 'break' and of course when he too passed. We experienced everything together and we got through everything together but this was different. I went through this myself, I isolated myself when I was hurting, they didn't grieve with me, of course they looked out for me and cared, they brought me food and gave me a shoulder to cry on but I never told them enough to understand the entire situation.

They just understood I needed comfort instead of advice and now they can't see what I see. Whether it be because of their pre-existing misconceptions about Draco, or their general dislike for the boy was unknown but something in their mind refused to accept that he could be nice and care about anyone other than himself.

"Luna I know." I didn't know what else to say, everything they had said was true. He had hurt me, and the only people who were there for me was Luna and Cho and now I'm putting myself at risk of going through that again.

"Why would you do this to yourself again." They both looked at me with sorrow in their eyes. Completely transparent with their emotions.

"I won't get hurt again, I promise." I tried reassuring them, however the promise came out weak and wobbly like I didn't fully believe it either, as if it was a lie I was trying to convince myself was true.

"I don't believe you." She said walking away, Luna followed on, grabbing Cho's hand and they both left the room without uttering another word.

The tears stung my eyes like lemon juice as they bagan to fall, the taste was bitter and salty but they wouldn't stop. I just sat silently letting tears seep from my eyes.

Word Count - 1928

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