19. past (3)

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Assalam-u-alaikum, here is today's update. I hope you like it ❤️

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Please read the chapter thoroughly as there is important information that will come later on.


|• Recap from last chapter •|

"Ma'am?" a young women asked coming up to mama.


"are you wife of amaar abbas and mother of mishal abbas?"

"y-yes!" she said getting up and grabbing the women hands.

"i am sorry to inform you but we have bad news."

|• Past continued •|

Author POV:


"Ma'am follow me please." mama slowly nodded as they walked with her while she grabbed yasins hand.

they brought her to room number 148 and led her inside.

on the bed was mishal with a bandage around her head her eyes closed with a calm face. if you would've seen it you wouldn't have thought twice and knew she was dead.

"she is fortunately still breathing. we hope she will be ok but at the moment she is in a coma so the chances of her waking up in a soon time frame is quiet rare. we also wanted to talk about her mental health.

as she had fallen back and hit her head against the sidewalk. her brain had hit her skull and as a result she got a concussion. she has brain damage so there is a slight chance that she will wake up without memories. though this is very unlikely we still do and will not know till she wakes up."

mama drops to her knees and her purse clanks to the ground.

her face becomes pale and she started muttering things to her self.

"if i would've gone none of this would've happened....

this is all my fault....."

"now we would like to escort you to your husbands room." she nods and gets up but before she can go yasin tugs her sleeve.



"can i stay with mishal for a little?"

"of course baby. just don't touch anything in the room." he nods at his mothers words and the women leave the room.

he turns and makes his way to his sisters bed.

(A/N: also if you guys are wondering yasin is 8 years old as he is 4 years older than mishal. so he does in fact understand what is going on. also if you are confused on why he isn't crying or feeling very emotional you can go back to chapter 2 around the last half is says that he doesn't cry much even when he was younger. so yeah just wanted to clear that up)

"hey princess... how are you?"

"i know you probably can't hear me right now. but just know that...." his voice cracked but held a straight face.

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