006: secrets unraveled

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  。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"Hey Hyerin," my mom shouted "Are you gonna eat dinner? You haven't eaten dinner for 2 days plus, we have guests coming over"

"Who's coming over?" I asked

"CEO Cheol Kang and Yeonjoo," she replied

"I'm coming out," I told her.

I didn't wanna disappoint my parents so I came out. My messy self with my school uniform came out to eat dinner for once. Jihoon was out of his room too. Their lazy teenaged children finally came out of their rooms. We were eating dinner with the legendary Cheol Kang and his wife, Yeonjoo. 

I was planning to eat for a few minutes then leave to start packing. I took some bulgogi from the bowl and I kept looking at Cheol and my parents. My parents kept asking him stuff that was kind of weird. My dad asked him how he keeps his hair silky like that. Then there's my mom. She asked Yeonjoo how to do makeup in a rush. She choked on her rice. They are really embarrassing. I looked at Jihoon and he felt embarrassed too. We looked at each other with the face gestures. 

His face said "Why are they asking the most abnormal questions" and my face said, "I don't know, go with the flow I guess". 

We kept eating until mom asked a question she's not supposed to ask.

"Hey CEO Kang, how did you come in and out of the comic book?" my mom asks

I kind of choke and so did he.

"Mom," I gave her a concerning face

"No, no it's okay," he said "It's hard to explain. It just happened"

"What about your friends and relatives there? What happened to Doyoon and Soohee?" he asked again

"MOM!" I screamed at her

"No Hyerin it's fine." he calmed me down

"Sorry," I apologized, "I also have to pack my things, you know school trips?"

I gave both of them a bow and I went to my room. I kept chucking clothes out of my closet until I found a box. It was an old traditional box that was very dusty. I wonder what this is. It was wrapped in Bojagi which is traditional Korean silk. What is this? Where do you get Bojagi? Well, the cloth had my name "Hyerin" sewed on to it, but it had a different last name. It said "Hyerin Nam" but my last name is Kang. I untie the cloth and see this dusty brown box. I coughed and dust particles kept flying into the air. Then I saw the names Nam Donghae and Seo Junghwa carved into the box. 

Who are these people? Who is Nam Hyerin? What is it doing in my closet? My closet filled with so many unnecessary items. Stuffed animals, old uniforms, clothing and so many things. And so, I found this random box that says "Nam Hyerin" I opened this box and found pictures, documents, baby clothing and a letter. There was an old envelope with faded Korean writing on it. It says "Nam Hyerin. Again, who is this Hyerin Nam? What does she have to do with this box? I rip the envelope and read the letter.

"To our Hyerin,

Hopefully, they give this to you when you grow up. Well, we are your parents, Nam Donghae and Seo Junghwa. Your mother, Seo Junghwa was a nice and pretty woman. She was also the love of my life. Your mother was a nurse. Saving people's lives, taking care of them and administering medicine into someone's body. 

Cool right? 

Now your father. Your father Nam Donghae was a police officer. Giving tickets, staying up late and doing night watch, enforcing the law and keeping everyone safe. His job helped a lot. Catching bad guys like the ones in movies. With handcuffs and sirens going all over the place. Our jobs are pretty cool, don't you think? Well with those jobs, we did get paid a lot. Until one of the people in prison escaped while your dad was on watch. He took a gun and went into a hospital. Your dad followed him and he ended up at the hospital. He took hostage an innocent girl and started to headlock her. He had a gun and pointed it to her head. The girl started crying and the parents took action. Then your dad, I know you won't believe this but... he accidentally shot the girl. Well, the whole thing got on trial. 

Your dad lost and he got fired. When we lost the trial, we had you and we couldn't raise you. We lost everything, even you. We had no more money and your dad got a job in Canada. So we moved there, without you and let your aunt and uncle raise you. What a bad parent I am. What bad parents we are. We are truly sorry, I don't know how to make it up. Hope you forgive us."

I was speechless. I don't know what to say. So you're telling me that Kang Najoo and Kang Cheolsoo are my aunt and uncle, not my mom and dad. Lies. I've been living under a lie for 16 years. I can't believe it. So what do I do now? Live under another lie?

Now that this happened. I walked into my brother's room. He's currently on his webtoon "Lies in the City." It's about Hyunjin (I mentioned him earlier), a 16-year-old (almost 17) boy who is trying to seek revenge from this murderer, who is lying around the city. So he has a gang that helps him and stuff. I'm not sure if he ends up with someone but Jihoon will probably add a girl. Fun fact, Hyunjin is the cutest guy I've EVER seen. He's smart, sporty, friendly and HIS SMILE- I can't. However, his past was really bad.

It went:
He was an ordinary 12-year-old boy, with a younger sibling, a sister named Yeji, playing video games, studying and having a normal 12-year-old life. Until he went to the grocery store with his family. While driving home, a random man in the middle of the road shot his parents and sister. Hyunjin was the only one who survived the murder and so many reporters came to him. That's when he started the gang, Stray Kids and trying to find revenge but he's still terrified because of that murder. Hyunjin the leader and he's like the hitman you know? Like, he shoots all the guns and stuff. Plus he's the one leading everything there. The antagonist, Seungri Lee is the CEO of the food company, "Jangga Co" was the one who murdered his family but got away with it.

I don't get why my brother wanted the storyline like that, but I guess it sounded interesting but to me, it sounds like torture. I mean going through that is terrible, but it's for a story so people will be entertained.

"Hey, Jihoon" I screamed, "I'm going to use your charger."

I just walked in my brother's room to grab my charger and I passed by his drawing tablet. Jihoon was drawing earlier but I don't know what scene he was drawing. There were tons of drawings everywhere. Sketches of characters and faces. Eyes, nose, lips, tons of drawings.

I was just chilling in his room and took his charger. I walked by his drawing tablet and it had Hyunjin dying. Hyunjin dying?! As in dying? Okay then. I stared at it for a whole 3 minutes and left. As I walk away, I feel something tugging my shirt. As if some hand has randomly appeared and grabbed my shirt. I turned around and saw a bloody hand. A bloody hang tugging my school shirt. I tried to run away and I got tugged in somewhere. There was this bright tunnel and I completely blackout. It kept going brighter and deeper as I fell. Laying down, I end up in an abandoned alley. The ground was spilled with blood. I keep walking and I feel a thud.

What?! Hyunjin?

  。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

a/n!hey y'all. the presence of satan has arrived. nvm, anyway, so i'm literally double updating these days and i'm pretty sure that i'm just gonna do that hdbfjkvbjkfbjkrnfjhbrhjdbffhjr. also yeah i'm cutting these chapters because they're too long. so yeah, i hope you're enjoying it :]


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