015: comfort

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  。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"Hyerin," someone calls me "Are you okay?"

"S-Sunwoo?" I wiped my tears and stood up "Why are you here-"

He pulled me closer to him. He pulled me into a hug

"It's okay Hyerin," Sunwoo comforted me "You can tell me everything, or nothing if you prefer."

I laid my head in his chest and cried in his arms. I felt safe in his arms. He pats my back while I was crying. He even stroked my hair to comfort me. I kept bawling in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his body and hugged him back. I don't know him that well but now I know that he's a sweet person. I want him as a best friend. He's too nice. I feel bad for crying in his arms and embarrassed that I'm making his shirt wet because of my unending tears. I clenched onto his shirt while I bawled on his chest. He kept whispering "it'll be okay," and "I'm here, don't worry". It kind of made me less worried. This reminded me of a time where Hyunjin kind of faced the same things. I wanted to cry for him too. It's a pity losing family, at least I know what that experience feels like now.

Flashback in Hyunjin's eyes

Bang, Bang, Bang! I heard 3 loud gunshots. The killer ran away and I couldn't see the person who fired 3 loud shots. I look around the car and I see blood everywhere. I looked at the seats

"Mom!" I called and unfastened my seatbelt and went to the front seat. I looked at the driver's seat and saw my dead father.

"Father!" I shook him so he would wake up, I don't hear Yeji. No.

"Yeji!" I went and hugged her.

They're not dead. They're not dead! It was 7 pm and we were in the middle of the road. I don't know where we were but it didn't look familiar. No one was around me and the car light was on. I don't know what to do. I feel hopeless, I have to do something. I can't let them die. I got out of the broken car and ran. I ran screaming for help. I sounded like a psychopath but I'm trying to save my family.

Hwang Hyunjin, wake up, you're only in a bad dream.

I rubbed my eyes and slapped my face.

Hyunjin, you're only in a bad dream

They can't be dead. They know you're too young to experience this. Calm down Hyunjin, it'll be okay. I kept thinking positively, it's working. I heard more gunshots. No no no! I grabbed my hair in frustration and I let out a scream. I ran as hard as I could while screaming for help. No one is replying to me. I didn't run too far from the car so I ran back. The car looks way bloodier than last time. I opened the driver's seat and took my dad's phone. I dialled an ambulance immediately.

"Hello?" I was gonna cry again

"This is the Seoul Police Station, what's your emergency?" They asked

"My parents and my sister got shot by a gun and I don't know what to do, please come quick." I pleaded them

I hung up and I had to call my cousin Jeongin. I need to stay at someone's house. I dialled their landline and I waited for him to answer. Luckily he answered right away. I told him the situation and he and his parents are coming to pick me up.

"Jeongin," I gulped "They're dead."

"Hyunjin, who's dead?" Jeongin was shocked

"Jeongin, they're dead!" I sobbed even more

"Hyunjin where are you?" Jeongin's mom asked with a concerning tone "We're gonna come and get you."

I hung up and got down on my knees. I thought about them. Yeji, my younger sister. She's too young to die. She had a whole life ahead of her, a whole future. Her dream was to be an idol. So she can show the world her talent for singing but that dream's crushed because of that person. That fool who killed her! My mom, the most beautiful woman I know. She was a caring person. She took care of us even if she was tired and exhausted. She put the family first rather than herself. I wished I helped her more. Regrets.

My dad worked hard. He works hard every day and night. He doesn't sit down or takes a break sometimes. He works super hard to support the family so that we have food, good education and a roof over our own heads.

That guy, he can't just shoot my family and run away. What am I supposed to do now? Nothing. Hopefully, nothing I said has to be said at their funeral. Jeongin and the ambulance arrive. Jeongin came and gave me a big warm hug. My aunt and uncle and did the same. Jeongin especially. Jeongin acted like a brother to me. We went to the same elementary and middle school, we're also going to attend the same high school. Even though we're cousins, he can also act like a best friend to me. I've known him for a long time. Jeongin's younger than me by a year and we attend the same school. However. He's probably more advanced, maybe that's why. I don't know what I would do without him.

The police told us to come with them. I don't want to go. I had to though, how are they going to find the person who killed them. I couldn't get to see them for the last time. People keep saying "it'll be alright" or "they're in a better place" honestly, do words do anything to get them back? Words can be so useless. People say them and they do nothing. You just listen to them and do it. Nothing happens. I'll get over it. I'm still young, sure I'll get over it but it'll just be me forever. At least I'll know that they're in a better place.

End of flashback

Sunwoo and I sat down on the bench and we talked for a bit. I told him everything that happened a while ago. He was shocked at first but he slowly started to understand everything. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and patted my shoulders the whole time. I felt safe when he was around. His phone started ringing. I decided to sleep on the rooftop. There are blankets there I can use and I can sleep on the bench we're sitting on. I have some of my uniforms washed and hanging dry so I can wear those tomorrow. I won't tell Sunwoo because you know why. I don't know how long he'll be out here for but I'll sleep when he leaves.

"Hyerin," he told me "I actually have to go, Taeyoung is looking for me."

"Oh okay," I smile, as he leaves, I grab his wrist "Thank you."

"It's no problem Hyerin," he said with a settling tone "Just come talk to me okay?"

I nodded and he left. I waited for 5 minutes and he never came back. I took the blankets from the hanging racks and put them on the bench. I put one on the bench and I realized, the other ones are still wet. So I guess I'll sleep on a hard bench with a blanket. So I just used the blanket to cover myself. I was kind of warm. I'm wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. It was Felix's hoodie. I put my hood and tightened the strings to keep my ears warm. Before I even lie down. I pass out. Not again. I feel so exhausted by the fact I passed out.

I felt someone tucked me in properly. He put me under the sheets and left. He probably knew that it was hard inside the Kang household so I guess he left me out here. I felt nothing, I saw nothing. I felt dizzy but that's it. I think I overworked or I'm stressed. I landed somewhere. It felt rough and cold. As if I was sleeping at a bus stop. I don't know all my surroundings but I knew I felt tiredness and fatigue. I felt someone picking me up and carrying me somewhere. I heard their voices, oh no. Not them. Not Chan and Hyunjin.

It was Hyunjin who picked me up. He brought me to their car, which Chan was driving. I didn't care this time. I was so tired and exhausted. It was so hot where I was too. It's May there, it was January back there. So, of course, it was hot. I got placed in the back seat of their car. I can hear Chan bickering and Hyunjin put the seatbelt on me. I had no power to speak, I felt tired and weak. My head kept hanging low but Hyunjin kept putting it up. He got kind of pissed and he took a random pillow then placed it behind my head to support it so it won't fall.

"What? Why am I here again?"

  。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

a/n!okay gn i'll upload more tmr. 

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