With both of their bodies formed into one, their faces nuzzled into each other's neck, the electric sensation flowing through both of their bodies. If their feelings were visible by the human eye, their bodies would look like a light bulb

A quick speed of her heart started when Kate felt Autumn's head start to move slowly

The raven hair girl's lips brushed against the girl's jawline, slowly making its way to her cheek and hovering over there. Her hot breath and her pounding heart against Kate's chest made her know that they were both fighting to urge to lean in and break their temptation

Their heads turned slightly and the corner of their lips barely grazed against each other, egniting them with a strong tingle. Kate's heart almost dropped from her chest from their head spinning moment. This was it. Their deal was about to be over.

"Um. Ms Hester" A voice filled the entire basement

Kate's eyes snapped wide open when she realized it was June's. Her heart thumped in her chest as she stayed paralyzed from fear

"Yes?" Autumn questioned, her arms still wrapped around Kate's body

Her thumb started to stroke a sensitive area of the girl's skin, sending goosebumps along Kate's body. The brunette blushed deeply as she rest her head against Autumn's exposed chest, burying her face so she wasn't seen by the maid

June stood at the top of the stairs, making sure not to look anywhere further other than her foot

"Your parents called, they said they'll be here in just a few minutes. I thought I should warn you"

"Thank you, I'll be right up" Autumn responded

"And.. Um.. Ms Wilson?" The woman said again, causing Autumn to chuckle

The brunette slapped her face into her palm, burning from embarrassment as she held back her own laugher

"y-Yes?" Kate stuttered

"Your friends also called, they wanted to wish you goodluck" the maid announced

"Thank you June" Kate giggled

"No problem Miss" The woman said before her footsteps faded away and the sound of the door closing was heard

On cue, the two girls busted out their fits of giggles against each others skin. Their bodies were still wrapped up just the way they left it while their laughter filled the entire glass compartment, they were only lucky that the steam had blocked out the entire glass door so the woman couldn't see a thing if she glanced in their direction but they knew the woman had still figured it out

"Oh my God" Kate chuckled as she sunk her face deeper into Autumn's chest

"I can just picture her face if she saw. The horror" Autumn giggled

"We've already traumatized the woman before, her poor heart almost went again" Kate laughed

"Can you even imagine? Ptff I swear I'd ask her to join us" Autumn smirked, earning a playful hit on the shoulder



"That's nasty"

"She's a woman and threesomes are fun-"

"She's 70 years old-"

"And so!?"

"Oh my God" Kate shook her head laughing before taking a step back

Autumn immediately furrowed her brows when their heat and contact was lost

"Where are you going?" Autumn asked as her fingers gripped the girl's wrist

Quiet On Set (GirlxGirl) Where stories live. Discover now