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I groan waking up. I stretch some muscles... When I fully open my eyes, I see A tent under my Blanket

"Welp looks like little devil here is awake too, better get going then," I said to myself, getting in the shower


I walk downstairs only to be met with the smell of Bacon, Eggs, coffee toast and something i don't know... YUMMMMM

I walk hurriedly to the kitchen, only to see...

"MOM? I thought you'll be gone for a meeting?" I ask Confuse as to why my mom is the one cooking me breakfast instead of the Cook we hired

"Good morning to you too Honey, and no... I will be not attending any more meetings from now on, I'll be leaving it to your dad... I'll be staying at the house for good" Mom Stated smiling

"REALLY?!!?!You'll be staying here??" I ask excitedly
"Yes honey you heard me Right" mom answered me while chuckling

I run to her excitedly, squeezing her out of joy

"C-CAN'T B-B-BREATH Honey!" Mom said, i let go of her, and kissed her whole face instead

"OH MY GOD MOM, I'm so happy!!!" I said truthfully

"I am too honey, now sit down... Break Fast is Almost ready"


"Mom, I'm gonna go to school now, i don't wanna be late, i still need to meet up with the boys..."
"Yeah, sure honey"

"Uhmm, mom I'm getting home late later, cause i have practice and i have dinner with the team, so i may not be eating with you for dinner! I'm gonna go now mom, see you later LOVE YOU!!" i yelled before going out
I heard a faint"Ok honey, drive safe love you too"

I hop on my car, which is one of my favourite one, cause it's so Cool and, my Uncle from Pakistan Gave it to me
Saying that her Favourite niece should be getting all the best out of this world... I just laughed at him and said that i am his only niece... I am his only niece on my mom's side anyway so...


I arrived at the school property and students who were there eyed my sweet baby ride... HMM,what can i say? This baby is gorgeous, and it really fits me


I turned off my car and got off only to be met by one of my best Korean buddy YANG JUNGWON
He just got out of his car as well.

I turned off my car and got off only to be met by one of my best Korean buddy YANG JUNGWONHe just got out of his car as well

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"Nice Ride we got there Laur" Jungwon said Smirking

"Nice Ride we got there Laur" Jungwon said Smirking

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