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I wake up groaning, cause something keeps on ringing

it's still dark outside
What the hell is this!!!

I open my eyes to find where is the sound coming from, i see my phone ringing
I look at my alarm clock and see.


WHAT... THE... HELL!!!!

I pick up my phone pissed off


"GEEZ, remind me to never call you again at this time of the day... you're all grumpy," Dinah said on the other line

"What the hell do you want Dinah?" I ask my friend irritated

"Well, I call you this early morning Cause you will pick me up to school... My car broke down last night when I was driving home. And my Other cars is at the beach house"
Dinah said

"Arghhh! Fine!"
"Thank you, Walz!" She said before I hung up the phone and pull the duvets all the way up my face and groan since I can't go back to sleep

I sat up and look outside my window and saw that the sun is already rising

might as well get ready


I walk downstairs to eat breakfast

When I saw mom drinking coffee at the counter

"Morning Mami," I said sleepily

"Morning Mija, what are you doing up so early? Your school doesn't start till an hour" mom asks while looking at her watch

"I'm picking up Dinah, her car broke down"

"Oh, ok... Eat breakfast now"

"Oh, no Mami. Dinah said that she'll buy me breakfast for waking me up early... Bye Mami, see you later love you"
I said kissing my mother's Cheek


"This breakfast better be good Dinah Jane... Cause I have a feeling that this day will not be good cause you wake me up early" I said while glancing at Dinah, who is busy with her phone

"Ok ok, just stop at the cafe near the school," she said playfully rolling her eyes at me


After we ate breakfast we drove to school, but we still have 15 minutes till class starts...

"What you wanna do now China?"

"How 'bout we go to the Cafeteria?"

"Yeah sure, I'm still hungry"

We entered the Cafeteria and we met Lauren's Squad laughing at something...

I swear... Every time we see them they are always laughing at something or someone

"Dinah, didn't you notice, every time we see these Koreans, they are always laughing?" I ask still weirded out

"Yeah, I noticed that too... But let them be... they're just cheerful" she said brushing me off with a chuckle

"tss, they're cheerful even at this early hours" I mumbled to myself, sitting down after I got my food


The cafeteria door opened and here comes Lauren Jauregui... With the same Chick that accompanied her last night too... They Greeted the Koreans. And minutes after Lauren and this chick, Normani came Happily inside the Cafeteria.

PROMISES THAT WE MADEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें