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[Backstory: You and Draco were best friends since first year, but then it came to fourth year(pls jst pretend tht nth out of the blue happens during that year ifykyk) and you guys drifted a lot because Draco was acting out and avoiding you]

"You ready for Quidditch Y/N? Today's match is against Slytherin. If you wanna swap positions with me, that's okay you know." Harry said to you, knowing you'd be playing against your ex best friend, Draco.

"Don't worry Harry; I'll be fine. Besides, we've done plenty of matches before this, why should I be worried? Besides, I'm happy now. I don't need Draco. I've got you, Hermione, Ginny, etc etc." you say to him smiling as you get on your brooms and prepare for the match.

The match starts and as you try to avoid Bludgers from hitting you in the head, you see him. The slytherin seeker. You stare at him for a moment and he stares back, but you look away as you hear your name being called out.


True enough, you see a fluttering golden little ball, and chase after it. The entire of Ravenclaw was on their feet by now. They had never won a match against Slytherin before and you wanted to be the first one.

You chase the snitch, flying so low until the crowd can't even see you or Draco. It's now a match of speed against you and Draco. Whoever caught the Snitch, won. You had never gotten the snitch before. And you were determined to make sure you caught it. Your hair was all over the place; some was even caught in the rubber of your protective goggles. But you were focused on one thing: Catching the Snitch and winning the match.

Just as you grab the Snitch in a close call with Malfoy, you hear someone yell "Y/N Y/L/N has caught the Snitch!! Ravenclaw wins!!" But you feel something hitting the back of your head just as you fly back up; and the quidditch pitch turned to darkness.

————————- TIMESKIP———————————

You awoke in a room which was blurry. You let your vision adjust and realised you were in the hospital wing. You turned to your right and left and from the corner of your eye, you saw Mdm Pomfrey. As you sat up in bed, you realised that Professor McGonagall had just walked in.

"Glad to see you're awake Ms L/N. How are you feeling?" McGonagall approaches your bed and sits down by the leg of it.

"I feel alright; normal. But professor, what happened after the Bludger hit me?" You asked.

"You really don't remember anything that happened ? Ms L/N, it was a week since that happened. But glad to hear you're feeling alright. You should stay here a day or two more, and you can go back. Oh, and Ms Granger has been ever so kind to leave you chocolates . She brought your computer and your phone for entertainment if you would like to use it. Classes are over for the day but I'm sure Ms Granger has a list of your homeworks." she chuckled, and after that, Mdm Pomfrey did a check on me. She said I could go back on Thursday, which was two days away.

You picked up your phone from the table beside you, and as predicted, Hermoine has spammed you. You scrolled through the messages and it's mostly her telling you about her day. God, she is in love with Ron. You think to yourself .

Then you scroll some more and realise that Harry is now in love with Ginny and the whole school is tweeting about it. Boys. What drama queens.

What catches your eye the most is the voicemail Draco has left you. You hesitate for a moment, then play it.

"Hey Y/N. Uhm it's the fifth of december and the current time is 4.37am. I don't even know why I'm calling to be honest. I'm probably gonna delete the voicemail but uhm (draco breaks down as he says this) i miss being around you. You probably don't miss me. Hell you probably don't even care about me anymore. I'm gonna see you at the Quidditch match tomorrow and I just know that my heart is gonna melt all over again when I see you."
End of voicemail.

[Draco's POV]
I am currently in a toilet, breaking down and sobbing. Why, you may ask? Well, for instance. Today we went to the Mirror of Erised for a class "trip" and when I looked into it, I saw Y/N and I wrapped in each other's arms. She looked so happy there. But the reality is; she's no longer friends with me. She's in the hospital wing; in a coma. Professor McGonagall is there every day to kind of just check up on her.

I try to spend my free time with Y/N, but it's so heartbreaking seeing her like that. When I see her laying down in the hospital bed, unconscious, I just know that I want to protect her as much as I can, but I can't because we're not friends. She has a boyfriend anyway. That Dean from Gryffindor. Seems decent.

The memories of me and y/n start playing through my head. I remember her smile. I remember the way she'd twirl her hair when she got nervous. I remember how perfect she looked on the night of the Yule Ball. Her blue dress. Her makeup. She looked so much like a princess.

I wish she were my princess. Imagine all the adventures we could have together if we were a couple. I wish she were my girlfriend. Then I could sing to her every night as she lays on my chest as she falls asleep to my voice. Then I stroke her hair and fall asleep with her.

I take out my black sweater and am left with a white long sleeved shirt, and as I start breaking down, I hear the toilet door open.

"Draco?" Y/N. She was still wearing my Slytherin sweater that i put on her one night while she was in the coma. Professor McGonagall had said that we were the Lily and James Potter of our generation and said that she liked seeing us together.

She ran to me and embraced me in her arms as i broke down.

"I love you so much Y/N. Please be with me. I promise I'll protect you and I'll keep you safe. I'm sorry-"she cut me off with a kiss.

"I love you too Draco." she said and smiled at me. As we walked out of the bathroom, she said "I need to pee." and as she squeezed my hand and let go of my arm, I stood there smiling like an idiot.

From that moment, I knew that nothing mattered more in my life than her. Call me clingy or whatever, but I'm never going to let go of her.

𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now