I just snatched my phone from her and slept while turning my back to her. I can still hear her mumbling like an old woman before I felt her sleeping beside me. I ignored her rambles and drifted into my sleep.

The next morning, I woke up to see her sleeping with her limbs all over me. I huffed in annoyance. Truth to be told, I somewhat got used to her weird sleeping habits.

Seeing it was nearly time for my morning run, I poked her cheek a little but she simply squatted my hand away and snuggled more into me while releasing a satisfactory sigh.

"Idiot..leave me," I said while trying to pry her hold on me.

Seeing that she wasn't even budging a little, I sighed in irritation and took the alarm clock to set the timer. I placed it near her ears before it started ringing. Hearing the loud ringing, she immediately sat up on the bed with a startle.

She rubbed her bleary eyes and looked at her surroundings before settling her gaze on me. She gave me an accused look with her watery eyes and ignoring how adorable she was looking right now, I stood up from the bed.

I simply placed the alarm clock aside and marched into the washroom without feeling any ounce of guilt for spoiling her sleep.

After coming out of the washroom, I  saw her standing at the door with her droopy eyes while holding my black coffee. I bit back my smile and took the cup from her.

She instantly slumped on the bed like a log. I just shook my head and sipped onto my black coffee.

"Forget about your stupid deal or else you have to open a cafe to compensate me daily," I told her and she immediately looked at me with a glint.

"Really? So I don't need to prepare you coffee from now on..right." She asked in an excited tone. I just nodded at her briefly before heading out.

After returning from my morning run, I went to our room to freshen up and saw that Aarna was already awake and ready in her usual attire. After informing me that she was going to the kitchen, she headed out.

I went downstairs for the breakfast, after getting ready for my office and completed my breakfast amidst of ma's and Aarna's rambling and Grandpa's grumbling while eating the veggies.

I immediately started to my office to start my hectic day. My day passed by working on the tactics from stopping the deals of Rahul's company as per Arjun's request. (For those who don't know Rahul, he is the antagonist in the first book of the Arranged marriage series.)

I decided to leave for home early as my head was pounding like hell. When I reached home, I directly headed to my room but greeted with the sight of a closed door. When I tried to open it, I noticed that it was locked from inside. I knocked on the door but still, no response came from inside.

So I panicked a little and went to the study room to grab the spare keys hurriedly. After taking the keys, I made a quick run to my room and opened the door. My jaw hit the floor after seeing what she was doing inside.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The whole room was resounding with the loud music. As for Aarna, she was singing like a banshee while dancing weirdly on the bed like a monkey.

Completely forgetting about my headache and the little panic that I had felt earlier, I leaned on to the door frame and started watching her with amusement dancing in my eyes.

She still hasn't noticed my presence and started shrieking..ahem..I mean singing even more loudly in her style and waved the duvet in her hands while jumping on the bed. I bit my lips to stop the smile that was threatening to erupt on my face.

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