"No Messiah look at me please." I said grabbing his hand. "Trevae." Rondo said. "Wake up. Wake up." I said shaking his body. "Trevae he's gone." Andrew said walking up to me. "No, no, no he can't be. I didn't think the shots would kill him." Tears were filling her eyes.

"You fucking killed him!" Garcia yelled. "Kel take him downstairs please." Rondo said. "I'm sorry Messiah." I said. "Trevae come on." Andrew said. I got up walking to my office.

~Rondo POV

"This shit just keep getting worse." Andrew sighed. "Call somebody to come clean this shit up." I said walking in my office. It's too much shit going on and I don't think we're going to be able to figure this shit out with just the three of us. I pulled out my phone calling an old friend.

"Well this a miracle. Never thought I'd see your name pop back up across my phone." She said answering the call.

"How you been Kay." I said with a smile.

"Still doing the same shit."

"You still working with them niggas?" I asked.

"You know I've always been better off by myself." She said.

"Well I need a favor." I said.

"You know I don't do favors Rondo."

"Fine. I need your help with a job. You remember where the warehouse is located?" I asked.

"I'll be there in an hour." She said.

~Ace POV

I woke up feeling pains in my chest and side. I was laying in a pool of my blood. I forced myself off the ground. I needed to get these cuts covered up or I was going to bleed out more than I needed to. I looked around walking to a closet. It was cracked open. Surprisingly it was a lot of medical stuff in here.

I grabbed out a roll of medical tape and a gauze. Was it smart to grab the bottle of alcohol? No, but I did anyway. I poured it on both of my wounds. "FUCK!" I yelled out. I put the gauze and the tape on my wounds. I wasn't tied up anymore and I needed to get out of here.

I lost a lot of blood and was too weak to even attempt to kick the door down. Even if I was strong enough the door was steel, I wouldn't be able to kick it down. There were three locks on the door and I looked through one of them. I could see a hallway with a guy out there sitting down.

I backed up and cleared my throat. "HELP ME!" I yelled. "ITS SOMETHING HAPPENING HELP ME!" I heard the locks on the door unlocked and the door opened showing the guy who was sitting down. "What the fuck is going on?" He said walking in. "My chest I-I feel like I'm about to pass out."

He approached me and before he could touch me I grabbed the gun out of his waistband putting a bullet in his head.

"Bitch." I tried to walk but before I could I felt the pain on my side.

I got to get the fuck out of here.

~Andrew POV

"I don't want another one of your lectures right now Rondo." She said wiping the tears from her eyes. "Good thing I'm not Rondo." I said sitting down. "I just killed my best friend for something that he had nothing to with."

"He came in here with your friend and pulled a gun on you." I said. "But he didn't have anything to do with Khalil. Isn't that the point of all of this? We need to be finding Khalil." She said.

"And we're going to figure out where he is." I said. She got up and started pacing back and forth. "Trevae listen to me it's not your fault that he's dead." I said grabbing her to make her stop pacing. "Not my fault? I PULLED THE FUCKING TRIGGER!" She yelled. "Trevae calm down."

"I just killed my best friend Andrew how am I s-" I cut her off by kissing her.

~Rondo POV

"Your guards are not very welcoming." I looked up seeing Kay.

"Kayla Renee Johnson." I said with a smile getting up. "God puberty hit you like a rock." She said. "I was fifteen when we met. I was a tad bit bummish." I said laughing a little bit. "So please tell me what this job is you want me to do."

"Remember Ace?" I asked her. "The guy who shot me in my leg for talking about his girlfriend?" She asked. "Yeah him."

"I wonder if they are even still together." She scoffed laughing a little. "No she's dead. That's not the point. Ace is missing. We don't know if he is on the run somewhere, if something happened to him, or if he's dead." I said.

"That was a lot of information to take in at once." She said. "So are you willing to help us?"

"Of course."


~ashkash2 💋

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