Halloween Special

Start from the beginning

Lady Like: "I saw a spook too! I was minding my business when all of a sudden the doors to my terrace fly open. As I was closing them I saw a ghost outside my window!"

Sir Ebrum: "I also saw something, I was in the wine cellar checking some supplies when the bottles started floating! There appears to be a spirit among the spirits, pardon the pun" (totally didn't take that from the show)
The King makes a scared face at all the ghost talk

Tiff: "I saw something too, I was walking in the hallway when I started hearing footsteps. I turned around and no one was there but the steps kept getting louder! I've never been so scared"

King D: "This castle's haunted!"

Lady Like: "What do you think Meta Knight?"

Meta glared at the king: "I think these paranomallites could be caused by a monster"

Tiff: "Did you order another monster DDD?"


Meta actually believed the king, if he had ordered something than he wouldn't be so scared.

All of a sudden the lights flicker causing the king, Tiff, Sir Ebrum and Lady Like to shriek. Meta didn't flinch.

King D: "AhhhhhHHHHhhh!" he says running down a hall with Escargoon following him.

Lady Like: "Has anyone seen Tuff?" what a good mother

Meta and Tiff shake their heads, causing Lady Like and Sir Ebrum to have worried looks.

Tiff: "What about Kirby?"

Meta shrugs and everyone else shakes their heads

Lady Like: "Tiff, could you go look for him?" Lady like is best mom (tracie should take notes ;))

Tiff nodded and her and Meta left to go find him and Kirby.

*Switch to Kirby and Tuff*

Kirby and Tuff have been having fun messing with the king. And, they had found a bucket of red paint, what are the odds!?

Tuff: "How's this?" He says puting red hand prints on DDD's door

Kirby: "Lovely"

They both snicker (i think snicker means laugh right?) snesnesne

They hear distant running in the corridor

Tuff: "Do you think thats ddd?"

*DDD screams*

Kirby: "yep" She picks up the paint bucket and opens the door to the kings room. Her and Tuff hide behind the curtains, making sure to be extra quiet.

King D stops at his door and freezes in fear. On his door were red hand prints and dripping 'blood'

King D: "ESCARGOON!!! HELP ME!!" Escargoon comes running up behind him,

Escargoon: "What's the problem your majesty-- oh!" He looks at the door

Escargoon: "I told you you should have treated your subjects better," he says shaking his head, "Karmas a bitch."

Kirby and Tuff can hear this and quietly laugh

The king falls to his knees, "I'm sorry for all the bad stuff I did, please forgive me!" he cried

Kirby: "NO!" She couldn't help not responding, cause it was such a perfect oppertunity!

Escargoon holds in a laugh and the King gasps

King D: "I swear I will never hurt another soul again!!" he pleaded once more

Kirby didn't respond this time, but instead left the curtain to go knock down a table

Kirby x Meta Knight  -  human girl Kirby!! With lots of 𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 Where stories live. Discover now