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Please disregard the last chapter..... all the characters are still alive

Guys I was having lots of trouble writing this and by that I put it off for a week bc I didn't know what to do next...It also took me so long bc I binged all of Avatar Last Airbender and 100/10 recommend

(Thought it was be fun to have a count down idk)

It's Sunday now. Nothing interesting happened. It's Monday now.


It's Monday after noon and Kirby and Meta are in the kitchen. Kirby grabs another tube of icing.

Meta: "that's the 3rd time this week!"

Kirby: "it's delicious"

Meta: "I don't understand you"

Kirby: *shrugs*

They are walking in the hallways now. They hear king D yelling and decide to investigate. They ease drop next to the throne room.

King D: "These waddle dees are useless!!"

Waddle Doo: "my apologies your highness, I assure you they won't get it wrong next time"

King D: "better not!"

Kirby and Meta are still behind the door.

Kirby: "what were they talking about?"

Meta: "I think some of the waddle dees messed up"

Waddle doo and some waddle dees leave. Meta and Kirby quickly run behind the nearest hallway corner so they wouldn't be seen. They can hear some yelling. Waddle doo is mad at the waddle dees for sucking at their job.

Waddle doo: "you had one job, no pickles on the kings cheeseburger!"

Waddle dees: ..............

Waddle dee: "I except better, now go clean something"

Kirby and Meta hear footsteps coming their way. They act casual. There's three waddle dees coming down the hallway, one particularly looks pissed. Being the snoopy person she is, Kirby follows them and forces Meta to come with. They wait till the waddle dees walk into a room. And once again they wait and listen.

Meta: "there's no point, they don't talk"

Kirby: "then why do they have mouths?"

Meta: "food?"

Just then one of the waddle dees talks!!

Random waddle dee: "I'm tired of living like this! We have no reason to be treated this way! Go get the others and meet me in the room"


Metas thoughts: they could talk THIS WHOLE TIME

Kirby: "told you"

Meta: :0

Two other waddle dees ran out the door. Kirby and Meta are still standing next to the door. Meta is still shocked.

Meta: "since when could you talk?!"

The waddle dees look at him, they were thinking like; oh shit they just heard that. They look at each other and nod.

Random waddle dee: "yeah...we can talk"

Kirby: "then how come you choose not to?"

Other random waddle dee: "we don't choose not to, we're forced not to"

Kirby x Meta Knight  -  human girl Kirby!! With lots of 𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 Where stories live. Discover now