Saturdays are for the boys

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If u love sword and blade u might like this

This is alllll filler I might discard the whole thing actually

Ima turn this into an authors note in like three days from now 11/10 if ur reading this and I haven't changed it then it's Bc I'm slow... also I don't like this chapter either...
Fuck i hAtE this chapter :<

Kirby and Meta sleep until 12pm. Keep in mind that it's Saturday...

*loud knocking*

Sword: "Meta get up!"

Blade: "if you don't answer us in the next 5 seconds we're breaking the door open!"

Meta and Kirby are barley awake. Meta hears what they said but dosnt really care. Kirby pulls the covers over both their heads.

Sword: "OKAAY we're breaking open the door!!"

They then proceeded to try and open the door. It's locked and they can't get in. Untillll Sword remembers where Meta keeps the extra key. The extra key is hidden in a ceiling tile. They then make it inside.

Blade: "I'm very disappointed in you Meta"

Sword: "Saturday's are our days"

Kirby: "oh god" she whispers under the blanket

Meta: *sighs*

Sword and Blade have had enough of this DISRESPECT and try to forcibly remove Meta from the bed.

Kirby, still lacking clothing, quickly kicks Meta out so Sword and Blade don't end up removing the covers that she's hiding under.

Meta: "ok ok I'm up!!" He says surrendering

Blade: "well it's about time"

Sword: "we crave your attention"       ha

Meta is annoyed and rolls his eyes

Kirby wraps herself in a blanket then sits up. 

Kirby: "hi Sword, hi Blade"

Blade: "good afternoon Kirby, if you don't mind, we'll be borrowing Meta for the day"

Kirby: "that's ok, you can have him" 

Meta is unamused.

Sword: "thank you Kirby :)"

Meta grabs his mask as he's forced out of his room. He's mad because they never used to bother him like this.
Metas thoughts: they're acting like with Kirby here I won't have time for them....well, they're not wrong

Kirby has nothing better to do so she goes back to bed.

Sword and Blade drag Meta out of his room.

Blade: "you promised you'd spend time with us today"

Meta: "I was"

Sword: "fibber"

Blade: "you were just going to spend it with Kirby"

Meta: "your being irrational, it's only 12, there's still 12 hours left"

Sword and Blade: >:|

Meta: "ok ok, I'll do what ever you want today"

Sword and Blade: :)

Sword and Blade bring Meta to the castles garage. They are eyeing the kings cars and tanks.

Sword: "Meta, it's time for you to learn how to drive"

Kirby x Meta Knight  -  human girl Kirby!! With lots of 𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 Where stories live. Discover now