Chapter 6: (UN)Wanted desires

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"Is that Akko??" Asked Lotte. They could see Akko as she was performing magic for a large audience just like Shiny Chariot once did. She did all kinds of metamorphosis magic wrong so that she could get the laughter out of the audience. People were really loving her show. "What is she doing?" Asked Diana while closing the book abruptly. "Well she does want to become like Chariot but in her own Akko way," said Lotte. Opening the book again, they saw another desire. "Hey this one has Akko too." "Well it can't be hers, we just saw her." It was a dimly lit room with a table and two chairs in the centre. Candles were burning all around and food was laid out on the table. Akko was already seated when a girl with lavender hair joined her. "Sucy!!" Exclaimed Lotte. "Yeah seems like it's her desire to be with Akko," stated Diana coldly. In the middle of dinner, Sucy got up and walked towards Akko, straddling her on the chair. Before they could see anything else, Diana closed the book again. "Let's not tell her what we saw," said Lotte. Diana nodded and opened the book again, this time to reveal Amanda's desire.

Amanda could be seen holding hands with her fiance and walking up the aisle of what looked like a church with a wedding going on in full swing. As soon as they reached the bishop, and turned towards each other, all three were shocked to see her bride. Constanze made little grunting noises while Diana closed the book again, before the couple could kiss each other. "Well, we'll say we didn't see that at all," said Lotte. "How can their desires be fulfilled if all of them are stupid?" Asked Diana. "Let's just see Jasminka's desire." Diana opened the book one last time and saw Jasminka walking through a forest road. After some time they could see her nearing a house in the middle of a large clearing. "Is that house–" Diana faultered. "–made of candies?" Completed Lotte. All three of them looked in silence as Jasminka got near the house and started eating up all the candies. As much as she ate, the house did not look damaged at all. As Diana closed the book, it started shaking in her hands. "What's happening Diana?" "I don't know." The book flew out of her hands and started wriggling like a snake. Pretty soon it opened up and threw out the hostages it had before falling back to the ground with a thud.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Diana standing over me. "What happened?" I mumbled. "Are you guys okay?" Asked Lotte and helped me up. "Yeah we're fine, but what happened? We dont remember anything after that bright light illuminated this whole place up." "Well you don't need to know that either, it's a little complicated." "Why?? I want to know what happened Diana please?!" I begged giving her my cutest puppy eyes. She sighed and told us to sit down. All of us sat down and she started explaining about the book of desires. "So you all saw our desires and because of Jasminka's desire not being satisfied we got barfed out of the book??" I asked. "Yeah that about sums it up." "Nice work Jasminka." I showed her the thumbs up sign while she smiled. "What did you guys see?" Asked Amanda. "That will only remain between us three, you four need not know it right now. And anyways it might be a bit embarrassing for some of you." Amanda went red like a tomato and demanded to know just what was it that they saw. After that, we all turned in for the night and went straight to our rooms.

Lying in bed, I was still thinking about what the desires might be. I was specially interested in Sucy's desire as hers might've been interesting since I had my fair share of adventures in Sucyworld. Then again, it might just be filled with mushrooms. I turned and faced towards Sucy who was sleeping peacefully. And about that time when she had asked for my jacket, I felt something weird but I couldn't place my finger on it. Why does she always want me to be her Guinea pig? Also at that time when I was inside her head, why was that little Sucy caught by the police? Man she's unbelievable. But now that I think about it Sucy hasn't shown any interest in relationships other than friendship. I sighed. What a strange girl. After a while, my eyes started to get heavy and I drifted off to sleep.

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