Something was put around her neck while she was distracted by the pain. Meredith recognized it as a Heretic's Fork. It was a device placed between the breast bone and throat just under the chin and secured with a band around the victim's head. If she was to move an inch down the top and bottom of the sharp tool would pierce into her. This is going to make it even harder for her because now she can't move her head at all or else she would experience a sharp tool stabbing her throat and chest.

She felt her shirt being ripped off her body almost fully but Lucifer heaved a loud growl which caused Demogorgon to freeze and only rip half of it off. She had no idea why would Lucifer growl when she was in this position because of him.

She wished he would make them stop torturing her just like how he made them start doing it. If there was a small ounce of her that actually thought this would work then now it's gone.

She now hated him so much that now she would rather go through this entire day whole being tortured than spend a single second with him. She wished for their connection to break. Even though she felt an inch of her wanting him to come over and apologize while holding her close. She hurriedly buried that thought.

She felt sick and painfully tired but she knew this isn't the end of it yet. She heard little squeaks coming closer and closer to her but she couldn't see what it is since she couldn't move her head without stabbing herself.

She felt something heavy being placed on her stomach and something else moving around on her skin. Suddenly a thought hits her. This was the Rat Box. It was a hungry rat that hasn't been fed in months being placed on her stomach. This thing is going to eat her insides in no time.

Her breathing elaborated as her stomach rose and fell in fear. She wasn't supposed to feel scared but she did. Her king and unfortunately her mate is unpredictable and you never know what he did to the rat before letting them place it on you.

"P-" she froze as she heard she got her voice back. She was going to beg but she had to be careful or else she was going to stab herself.

"P-p-pl-leas-" Tried to beg Meredith but Lucifer was too angered to listen to her.

"SHUT UP!" He screamed at her as she tried to quiet her cries down.

Just as she felt the teeth of the rat piercing into her skin, the doors opened with a loud bang. She couldn't turn her head but she just hoped that it will be someone to stop this and help her.

❗️ ❗️ ❗️

Meredith's tortured body was the first thing Azealah saw when she entered the Torture room. Her heart immediately ached and broke at the helpless sight of her friend. She quickly ran to her with Azron following right behind her. He waved his hand and the rat box got thrown off Meredith's body. The black and stinky rat ran out of the room probably looking for a new victim. 

Lucifer growled as he saw who had interrupted him from torture the girl that was the cause for his headache and the reason he might lose his position as a king if he couldn't control his Demons. He didn't even know what got into him. He was just sitting on his throne and flashes with Meredith's body being tortured flashed in his mind. Suddenly this was the only idea he could think about and he felt somewhat relieved every time he thought about it. So he made it come true.

He was just a bit relieved while a huge part of him didn't want this but he couldn't control his mouth into saying stop. He just couldn't and he had no idea why.

Lucifer flew at Azealah trying to push her off his helpless mate but Azron immediately placed a wall in between them. Causing everyone to be put out except Meredith, Azealah, and him. He couldn't deal with Lucifer now but he would definitely deal with him later.

Azealah quickly took the Heretic's Fork off Meredith's head and Azron snapped his fingers and the chains disappeared. Azealah held a sobbing Meredith close to her chest as she rubbed her back trying to comfort her. Meredith flinched as she heard Lucifer slamming his body hard against the wall that Azron created trying to break it but obviously couldn't because Azron's power is much stronger than his.

Azron held Azealah waist close to his chest and placed one hand on Meredith's should and transported them to their room. Azealah made Meredith's whole body lean against hers because she knew her friend has been through a lot and didn't have the energy to do so on her own.

She placed her on her and Azron's bed and tucked her tightly and safely under the blanket. Meredith was still shaking while staring at the door intensely as if Lucifer was going to walk in and grab her at any second.

Azron saw this and spoke out, "Relax Meredith. I put a protection spell in our room."

Meredith immediately relaxed hearing this as she knew how much stronger Azron is compared to Lucifer.

Azealah placed her hand on Meredith's aching head and closed her eyes. Little sparks started to fly in and get attached to Meredith's body and less than a minute pass and all the glow is gone. Meredith's looked at her body not believing she's already healed because of Azealah.

The Angel attempted to get up but slumped back down. Azron immediately grabbed his mate and cradled her against his chest. He carried her to the other side of the bed as he realized healing Meredith must have taken all her energy away.

"I have an idea." Whispered Azealah to Azron as she noticed Meredith was already sleeping like a baby.

Azron shook his head at his little Angel before placing a kiss on her forehead. "Go to sleep. We can talk tomorrow." He whispered back.

She nodded her head as she was way too exhausted anyway. He pecked her lips gently before pulling away from an already asleep Azealah.

Now he has to do this for his mate and his mate only. He knew that by doing this, his mate will be more than happy and that's all he ever wants. To make her happy and proud of him.

He was going to have a talk with Lucifer.


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1- Do you feel bad for Meredith?

2- Do you like Azealah's and Meredith's friendship?

3- What is your favorite emoji?

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