Chapter 2

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Harry was prepared to wait patiently after knocking on Andromeda's door. Usually, it took her a while to answer and Harry didn't mind waiting. Today though, the door was opened almost immediately. But what shocked Harry most was the familiar grey eyes that met his when the door was opened. "What in Merlin's name is he doing here?" Harry wondered. 

Draco Malfoy was in fact visiting his mother Narcissa who was staying at Andromeda's. Draco's father had passed away while in Azkaban two years ago. He missed his father, despite how cruel Lucius could be. Narcissa and Draco had been given disciplinary hearings at the Ministry following the war and were freed of all charges. Because of this, Draco was no longer considered a Death Eater. After Lucius passed away, Narcissa became quite ill and weak. Draco had moved out of Malfoy Manor by then but he moved back in to take care of his mother. Narcissa was very grateful as she did not want to be taken to St. Mungo's. 

Narcissa became well two months ago but she was still very weak. Draco decided it would be best to move her in with her sister. Once Narcissa moved in with Andromeda, Draco was all alone in the manor. The memories of Voldemort living there and killing innocent people in his very home became too much for Draco. He decided to sell the manor and for the time being, he was living in the inn at The Leaky Cauldron.

He opened the door of his aunt's house just now to meet eyes with the most beautiful shade of green. He could recognize those eyes anywhere... "Potter" was all his lips would allow him to say.

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