Chapter 33

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"Where to first?" Draco asked, lacing his fingers with Harry's. Harry flinched and let go of Draco's hand. "Not in public yet. Sorry love." He whispered. Draco frowned. "Oh yeah." Harry smiled at him. "Don't worry. We can still have a great day. I have lots planned!" Draco nodded but was still visibly sad.

Harry led Draco to Honeydukes. "Ladies first," Harry said, ushering Draco through the door. Draco shot him a pointed look. Harry laughed. "Help yourself to anything Dray. My treat." Draco smiled. "It's really nice of Harry to take me out. Wait. This is a date. This is our first date!" Draco leaned over and put his face beside Harry's ear. "Is this a date?" He whispered. Harry nodded. "It's our first date." Harry nodded. "Sorry we can't do it properly. You wait till after Christmas. We'll have the best second-first date ever!" Draco laughed. "Thanks Ry." Harry nodded and gestured to the sweets.

Draco picked out several sweets. He's always had a bit of a sweet tooth. Harry got a chocolate frog for himself and took Draco to a new store called 'The Boy Who Lived'. Draco laughed "What are we doing here?" Harry smiled. "Well, I heard you're quite fond of the boy who lived. This store cherishes him." Draco snorted. "Alright. Let's check it out."

The store was packed with people. The second Harry walked in, people rushed up to him begging for him to sign their newly purchased merchandise. Draco stifled a laugh. He could tell Harry regretted bringing him there. But that made it so much more meaningful.

Harry nodded towards the products, so Draco began browsing around. He found a shirt that said 'I'm dating Harry Potter' and folded it over his arm. The items began piling up. Most of them were jokes to Harry. He found two other shirts, 'The Chosen One's my boyfriend' and 'I'm in love with the Boy Who Lived', two 'Potter Stinks' badges which he unsure of how the store had got (and they didn't even credit him for making them), a photo of him and Harry during a Quidditch match in second year, a pair of glasses identical to Harry's and some other things he bought himself to show Harry when they got home.

When Harry finally managed to escape, and pay for Draco's things he led them to Hogwarts. "Did you really need those Potter Stinks badges?" Draco laughed. "Nope, I still have a ton leftover from when I made them. I just bought them to tease the man I love." Harry rolled his eyes. "Why do you have two bags?" Draco smiled. "This one has the items you bought me, this one is stuff I paid for." Harry sighed. "You bought stuff? Does it make sense that I'm a little scared?" Draco just laughed.


"Hello boys," McGonagall greeted them. "Have you eaten lunch?" Harry shook his head. "Follow me then." She led them to the Great Hall. They took a seat at the staff table. "Have something to eat and then let me know when you are finished." She instructed them. "Thanks McGonagall." Harry smiled. He and Draco ate in silence. When they were both finished Harry spoke up. "So how weird is this?" Draco laughed. "I know! It feels like we're breaking the rules." Harry laughed.

"Let's go see McGonagall." Harry and Draco walked over to the Headmistress and told her they were finished eating. She led them to the Potions classroom. "Would you like to talk to the class, Draco?" Draco shrugged. "Alright. About potions?" McGonagall shook her head. "About the war." Draco tensed up and Harry held his hands. "This is a class of Slytherins, Dray. You told me that I could've helped you guys out during school and it gave me an idea. After the war, these students' parents were put in Azkaban. They've been living here for the past five years. I think that we should start a program where we can help these Slytherins find a new home. If you agree, next week letters will go home to families explaining this program and they can write back to say if they're interested in adopting. If they are, we can go meet with them and explain the program. Then we can match up students with families. This is my gift to you. I'm helping the Slytherins. I'm making things better for them. I'd love for you to help. I'll explain the program but I'd like you to get to know the students and share with them a bit about your past experiences if you don't mind."

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