Chapter 22

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"Dray? You did this?" Harry was speechless. All the people who were important to him were under the same roof, although the roof happened to be charmed invisible, as the Great Hall roof usually was. To be at Hogwarts too, Harry was beaming with joy. "Of course I did. I'm just that amazing. Plus you definitely deserve it. So we'll party here and then a smaller group has more plans. Enjoy."

"Everyone, hello, everyone. You should all know me but if you don't, I'm Hermione Granger. I've been friends with Harry since first year and he means a great deal to me. A few close friends of his got together and planned this surprise as you all know, but he doesn't so that's why I'm sharing this. Harry is a really amazing young man and the best friend anyone could ask for. Harry, I hope you have the best day ever. A few things to note: the tables, except for the Gryffindor table are filled with food and drinks, feel free to feast away, the Gryffindor table should be where you leave your gifts, which we will get to in a second and lastly happy belated birthday Neville! For those who don't know, it was Nev's birthday yesterday. Harry I'd like you to sit wherever you'd like at the Gryffindor table and we can start with gifts." Everyone smiled, some clapped and they all headed to crowd around the Gryffindor table.

"When I call your name, bring your gift to Harry," Hermione instructed. "Hagrid."

Hagrid brought a cage over to Harry. "Happee Birthdae Harry. Eleven years later from the day I met yeh, I never would've known how important yeh'd be in me life. Yer a great friend, Harry. I tried ter get yeh a kneazle fer your gift but I had ter settle fer a cat. I thought it'd on'y be fittin' ter get yeh a pet, tha's wha' I did the firs' birthdae I knew yeh." Harry examined the fluffy grey cat. "Thank you Hagrid. You're very important to me too."

"Teddy Lupin and Andromeda Tonks." Teddy ran up to Harry eagerly and handed Harry a twig. "Look I found this wand in bahyard. I wanna give you to keep." Harry chuckled. "Thanks Teddy, I love it." Teddy beamed and his appearance began to change to look more like Harry. Next Andromeda handed Harry a very small box. "My cousin Sirius gave this to me as a wedding gift. It was his. He gave it to me because both of us were sort of shunned from our family. We were very close. I think he would've wanted you to have it." Harry opened the box to reveal a shiny gold band ring. Sirius's ring. He began to tear up and gave Andromeda a big hug.

Next was McGonagall. She handed Harry a note first. It read: "Harry, I know you already have one of these, but I thought you might want to display it instead of using it, as it was from Sirius. I hope you like it." McGonagall handed Harry an all too familiar package. He unwrapped it to reveal a new Nimbus 2011. "Wow thank you so much Professor, I love it." McGonagall smiled and went back to her seat.

"Narcissa." Harry smiled as Draco's mother approached him. She handed him a photo album. "A lot of people have given memories of your family but unfortunately, l was four years ahead and don't have stories or photos of them to share. But I do have photos." She handed Harry a large, thick leather book. Harry opened it and instantly realized what it was. He had just been gifted an album of Draco's baby photos and photos from his youth. Draco turned beat red. Harry chortled. "Thanks so much Narcissa. This gift is definitely priceless." Draco scowled. "Let's just continue." He huffed.

Molly and Arthur Weasley cheerfully walked over to Harry. "Harry my boy, I know you're going to deny this at first but I really insist," Arthur said as he handed Harry a key. "It's for the Ford Anglia the second. After you crashed the first one into the Whomping Willow I started fixing up a new one. But I don't use it much anymore and you live in muggle London. You just need to get a driver licence and you'll be good." Harry was in such shock he didn't know what to say. Molly plopped a lumpy package in his arms which helped him snap out of it. "Thank you so much. I don't deserve this." He then proceeded to unwrap the trademark Molly Weasley Lumpy Package™. As usual, there were knitted clothes, but this time it was a hat because it wasn't Christmas, so he didn't get a jumper. "I hope you like it dear." Molly smiled. "Yes, I do very much. Thank you both.

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