Chapter 7

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"I wish I could have dinner out with Draco every day. He's such a gentleman. Sort of. Only in front of the waiting staff, I suppose. The restaurant was nice. I can't believe he took me to a muggle restaurant. That seemed so unlike him. But it was very fancy so maybe it wasn't unlike him. I love how we talked as though we'd been friends for ages, even if we did only talk about Quidditch, Teddy and classmates from Hogwarts. It felt as if I were on a date with him tonight, I wish I were. Oh Draco, if only you knew. If only you knew that I love you. Then maybe it could be a real date. I mean who doesn't want to date the 'chosen one'? Ugh, seriously Harry? Get it together. Draco Malfoy, that's who!"

"That's who, what?" Draco asked from the other side of the couch.

"Dra- Malfoy? Did you hear that? Are you a legilimens?" Harry began to panic. 

"Yes, I heard that, Potter. I recommend that if you don't want someone to hear you, don't speak aloud. Now answer my question seeing as I answered yours." Draco retorted.

"Er, well Draco Malfoy wouldn't want to, er- Harry hesitated.

"Spit it out, Potter." Draco snapped. He didn't mean to come off rudely, he was just impatient and Harry had been thinking about him. He had to know what exactly Harry had been thinking about.

"How much did you hear?" Harry asked, still hesitant. "Does it matter?" Draco asked back. "I believe I was thinking: Who would have enough money to attend such a fancy restaurant like the one we went to tonight? Draco Malfoy, that's who." Harry said, very matter of fact. He hoped Draco couldn't tell he was lying.

"You're lying, Harry," Draco said. Harry's eyes widened before Draco realized what he had said. Neither one said anything for the rest of the night. 

It was breakfast the next morning. Harry was making bacon and eggs, his speciality. If you grow up being forced to cook the same thing, every day, you get good. Harry may be good at making eggs and bacon but his cooking talents stop there. 

Draco walked into the kitchen to find a plate with a warming charm over it, at his chair. Draco walked over to the table and sat down. "This looks delicious," Draco told Harry. Harry nodded and went back to reading the paper. Today's front-page article was full of guesses on who he's proposing to. Draco chuckled under his breath and said, "so that's why I found a beautiful ring under the couch yesterday, and to think... I thought it was a gift for me." Harry glared at him. "Very funny, Draco, now eat. You're far too skinny." Draco just rolled his eyes. "Oh says you, Harry, you've always looked like that." Harry scoffed. "Well, I've already eaten so bugger off and eat." Draco laughed once more. "Yes, mother." He rolled his eyes and began to eat. "Merlin, this AMAZING!" Draco thought to himself. He wouldn't give Harry the satisfaction of knowing just how good his cooking really was.

After the incident the night before, both boys decided they should start calling each other by their first names. They did have to grow up at some point.

Draco and Harry were sitting on the opposite ends of the couch again, reading. Draco was reading about potion ingredients and Harry was pretending to read but was actually thinking about the reason him and Draco had never become friends.

"We were waiting to enter the great hall. The boy from the robe shop was standing in front of me. He had just figured out who I was - Harry Potter. Although that didn't mean anything to me at the time, it meant a lot to the rest of the school, besides muggle-borns, I suppose. Draco told me his name and Ron laughed. I didn't know what was funny about it, in my opinion, Draco has a beautiful name. I've always believed this. Draco got upset and began making fun of Ron. I didn't know Ron very well yet, but I didn't like that Draco was being rude to him. Then Draco held out his hand, waiting for me to take it. But I didn't, I couldn't. If I did, I would never be able to let go." 

Harry blinked away the memory and looked over at Draco. All of a sudden, he saw something gold move from Draco's neck to the back of his hand. Harry reached over and pressed down on it. Draco looked at him, confused, and then down to his hand. Harry had caught his snitch tattoo. That made sense, Harry was a seeker after all. Harry let go and pulled his hand away. Then he shook his arm frantically. Draco had no idea what Harry was doing, and to be honest, it scared him a little. Until he saw it. Out from under his sleeves a snitch tattoo appeared, fluttering on Harry's hand. "You have one too," Draco said, shocked. "When did you get it?" He asked. 

Half an hour later the boys were still talking about their matching tattoos. As they talked, they inched closer, no longer sitting on opposite couch ends. Draco looked at Harry. "I love you." He thought to himself and dozed off.

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