Chapter Three

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Later in the night, Seulgi had finally come home at 7:30 pm. She found Irene sound asleep on the couch.

She walked up to her, shaking her shoulder to wake her up. "I'm home, Irene!" Seulgi smiled when she saw the older's eyes open.

"I'm gonna start making dinner now, you can change into some of my clothes if you'd like!" Seulgi said, Irene standing up and following her to her closet.

"You can pick anything you'd like, I'm gonna start cooking now." Seulgi then walked out the room.

"Damn, she's so nice. I'd feel bad if I even tried.. No, I have to." Irene thought to herself before looking through Seulgi's closet.

She grabbed a pair of pink pajamas with green cactus printed on it. It was cute.

Irene walked into the kitchen quietly, staring at Seulgi stirring something in a pot.

"Right now is perfect.." Irene creeped up behind Seulgi, watching her cook for a bit. Seulgi didn't suspect a thing.

Irene started feeling a bit or sympathy, but for what reason? Maybe because Seulgi was being nicer than the other people, but with more kindness, she was also more gullible.

Whatever, this was necessary for Irene to live.

She bit Seulgi's neck, the younger girl panicking and hitting her in the head with a nearby pot.

"Irene, what the hell!" Seulgi yelled, backing away from Irene.

Irene stayed silent, walking towards the younger.

Seulgi bumped into a wall, startling herself. "Go away!" Seulgi slapped her.

"I'm not into that sort of stuff.. Sorry." Seulgi said nervously. Irene was confused at first, but soon caught on.

"What?! That's not it, I-" "No, I understand! I'm not into all that though, sorry!" The tension between Irene and Seulgi was awkward to say the least.

At dinner ♡

Dinner was just as awkward. It was quiet the whole time, the girls ate their food.

Afterwards, Irene fell asleep on the couch and Seulgi fell asleep in her room.

"God, what an idiot.. She thinks I'm into her!" Irene sighed. "I'll have to try again tomorrow.. I bet that idiot hasn't even heard of vampires."

Irene just kept thinking about how dumb Seulgi was until she fell asleep.

(A/N: Okay so a lot of stuff happened in this chapter lmfaooo I'm sorry that I make everything happen so quick 💔 but please continue to enjoy the story and maybe share it with your friends ❤)

Moonlight Melody ♥︎ SeulRene ✓Where stories live. Discover now