Chapter Ten

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Seulgi woke up from her slumber, finding herself in a cold, empty bed. She sat up, looking around the room in a daze to see that she was all by herself. Seulgi stood up, rubbing her eyes and walking into the living room to smell the strong scent of oi naengguk. The scent was heavenly to Seulgi, one of her favorite things to smell in the mornings.

She walked into the living room, seeing Irene with laptop, pot, and a huge spoon in hand. Seulgi smiled at the sight, walking up to Irene and seeing what the screen was playing.

"The next step to this delicious soup is to prepare your dried seaweed!" Said the lady on the computer, grabbing a chunk of seaweed and shoving it into a silver pot, putting a lid on the top.

"Irene, what are you doing?" Seulgi asked, walking up to Irene. She gently wrapped her arms around Irene's waist, laying her head on Irene's shoulder. It looked like a scene from a cheesy k-drama. "I'm cooking." Irene said bluntly, dropping the seaweed into the pot and placing the lid on top as the woman in the video did.

"For meee?" Seulgi said, giggling. "Of course. Who else?" Irene said, smirking. It was a silly question for Seulgi to ask. Irene could only eat pork or drink the blood of humans, this meal would make her sick to the point where she would throw up and her insides would shut down. Irene eating normal human food was similar to a human consuming poison.

She smiled, hugging Irene tighter. "Thank you, Irene." Seulgi said, snuggling Irene as if she was a teddy bear. "You're welcome." Irene said bluntly again, no emotion in her voice. There was no visible or verbal emotion, but on the inside, Irene was as happy as could be. She'd never felt this kind of warmth from a human. It was nice.

Bang bang bang

Irene and Seulgi turned around, looking at the door. "I'll get it." Seulgi said, removing her arms from around Irene and walking to the door. Irene felt empty now.

Seulgi opened the door, sunshine entering the dimly lit room and a fresh breeze flowing through the air. "Seulgi, where have you been?" Asked a farmiliar voice. Once Seulgi's eyes adjusted to the bright sun light, she could see that the man at the door was Zuko.

"Oh- Zuko! Was I supposed to come in today?" Seulgi asked, confused. "Yes. Seulgi, we discussed this at the last meeting. We said you would come to the studio at 7:00 AM, go to your interview at 9:00 AM, film your vlog at 11:30 AM, lunch at 1:00 PM, instagram post at 1:45 PM, break at-" "Okay, I get it, I get it. Let me get dressed then I'll be on my way to the studio. Can you drive me?" Seulgi asked Zuko, the man nodding.

"Okay, great. I'll be down in 30 minutes." Seulgi said, closing the door. "Sorry Irene, I completely forgot I had work today." Seulgi said, hugging Irene. "I'll be back at about 5 PM, kay?" Seulgi said, smiling as Irene nodded quietly. "Kay, I'm going to get ready, see you in a few hours!" Seulgi said, waving goodbye to Irene.

A/N: next chapter might b the last 🤫

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