Chapter Seven

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Seulgi woke up from her nap, sweating. She fell asleep in jeans and a long sleeve with socks on, so she was sweaty everywhere.

She stood up and removed her socks, then walked to her room.

She roamed her closet for a nice outfit. "Red..Nah, today isn't a red day." Seulgi said, sliding the hanger to the other side of the rack.

"Black and yellow is a cute combo for today!" She grabbed a white crop top, black pencil skirt and small thin black & yellow jacket to top it off.

Opening her phone and realizing the time was 11 PM, she hurried to her shoe closet, put on some black boots and ran out the door.

"I'm sorry I'm late Zuko, I slept too long." Seulgi said, yawning and stretching her arms. "It's okay Seulgi, no worries." He said, getting out his camera stand.

"Sit and wake up a little, I'll get everything set up." Zuko said, walking away before Seulgi stopped him. "Wait, I didn't have breakfast, can you get me some snacks from the back room?" Seulgi asked, making puppy eyes.

"Seulgi, you're so cute. But, you know the rules. You can't eat before photoshoots! You'll look bloated and fat." Zuko said before walking away.

"Hmph, fine.." Seulgi pouted, crossing her arms and legs.

Soon enough, Zuko was back in the room with his camera stand and gold glitter. "You know the drill, Seulgi. Stand on the red X and on the count of 3, I'll throw the glitter." Zuko told Seulgi, the model nodding.

Seulgi stood where told she was told and did the same poses.

Everything today was the same. The only difference was that Irene was gone.

"Irene, how dare you." Eldra said, a disgusted look on her face. "You dare run away from home to see a lousy human? A human who kicked you out and you obediently listened, too. Do you understand what a disgrace you are to this family? To this bloodline?" Eldra scolded.

"That's why I left! This whole bloodline despises me, so why should I stay? Spending time with a pathetic human is much better than staying here with suffocating elders like you!" Irene yelled. Eldra sighed. To her, Irene was nothing but a disobedient runt.

"You're right, why should you stay? You shouldn't. Leave these woods and never come back, you're forbidden! You'll be black listed until the end of time, Bae Irene. You are the worst, most horrid, disobedient vampire of time. Leave, and never come back!" Eldra yelled, pointing to the end of the woods where an empty street was.

"Fine. I'll leave now. I'm glad I won't have to see your disgusting face ever again, you hog." Irene said, disappearing into the shadows of the forest.

"Ugh, the most pathetic witch I have ever spoken to or laid my eyes on." Eldra rolled her eyes, turning around and bumping into someone much taller than her.

Looking up, Eldra saw her. The one, the only, queen Estria.

"Oh, dear Estria, I'm ever so sorry.." Eldra said, getting on her knees and bowing. Estria placed her foot on Eldra's back, pushing her towards the ground more.

"Would you care to explain to me what you've just done?" Estria asked, an angry tone in her voice and a resting face.

"I-I had to- to- tell her to.." Eldra couldn't say it. "OH QUEEN ESTRIA, I APOLOGIZE! I APOLOGIZE A THOUSAND TIMES!" Eldra cried and pleaded, knowing her life would soon end, and knowing there was no way to avoid it.

Irene was Estria's beloved daughter, and in their family, Irene was crowned as the vampire princess than none other than queen Estria herself.

Estria pulled out her Gravediggers spade, a weapon often used by humans to kill vampires. But if queen Estria was upset with you, that was the end of your days, despite how much you may beg for your life.

The Gravedigger's spade slowly and painfully decapitated Eldra, the unpleasant scream along with her choking on her own blood could be heard from miles as it echoed throughout the forest.

The blood splattered across Estria's body as well as the trees behind her, a mess being made. Estria put her Gravedigger's spade away, it had been a while since she used it.

Now since Eldra is gone, all Estria has to do is find Irene and bring her home. And queen Estria, the all knowing vampire, knew exactly where her daughter was.

A/N: sorry for taking forever to update!!! ill update more often and finish this book ASAP!!! and thank u my bestie -JACOBAE for helping me with one of the paragraphs ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ love u

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