Chapter Six

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"How stupid do you think I am?!" Seulgi said, crossing her arms. "I'm not as dumb as you think! Vampires aren't real!" Seulgi told the older.

"Oh but they are. I'm living proof." Irene told the younger. "Tch, don't use that bullshit excuse. You know what? I bet when you bit my neck the other day, you were trying to come onto me!" Seulgi accused Irene, pointing at her.

Irene giggled at Seulgi's pathetic words. "Don't give yourself too much confidence there. I don't like you. Tell me, what do vampires drink?" Irene asked the girl, an evil smirk appearing on her face.

"Blood.." Seulgi answered quietly, growing nervous by the second. "Exactly! You get 1 star." Irene said, roughly pushing her finger onto Seulgi's chest, placing an imaginary star onto her shirt.

"You're not as dumb as I thought you were. Well, yes. Vampires drink blood. So what do you think I was trying to get when I bit your shoulder?" Irene sat back, arms and legs crossed.

"You... Wanted my blood..? After all I've done for you?" Seulgi felt herself tear up. "I made you food, gave you clothes and entertainment, and even sheltered you!" Seulgi complained.

"Why are you being so dramatic? It's not like I was going to kill you." Irene rolled her eyes before Seulgi started raising her voice.

"But I trusted you! Why couldn't you just leave and get blood from another human?!" Seulgi asked.

"You were the first human I saw, so of course you're going to be the first human I strike. If I have a perfect human in front of me, I wont leave and search for another! That'd make me an idiot." Irene giggled, leaning forward towards Seulgi.

"Plus, I'd rather strike a prettier human. It would be cute watching you struggle." Irene winked before getting pushed to the ground by Seulgi.

"Don't get so close! Get out of my apartment!" Seulgi yelled, pointing to the door as she stood up.

"Bye bye, Seulgi." Irene waved, then walked out the door to the room, then left the door to the apartment. She was all alone now.

Seulgi was breathing heavily, in disbelief of what just happened. She felt scared, sad, and alone now. Being a model, she doesn't have a lot of friends due to a usually busy schedule.

She walked to her living room to grab her phone. It was blowing up.

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Seulgi quickly took a selfie, poking her cheek and smiling cutely. She wrote a quick caption apologizing for not posting, then flopped onto her couch, slowly falling asleep.

Moonlight Melody ♥︎ SeulRene ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora