Chapter Five

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After breakfast, the two girls had nothing to do so they sat in the living room watching TV together. They decided that they should learn more about each other since they had the time.

"Irene, have you ever played truth or dare?" Seulgi asked, turning to the older girl. "No, but I've heard the name. What is it?" Irene asked.

"Well, it's a game where someone askes you "truth or dare", you pick one of the two options, and they either give you a dare or ask you for the truth about something." Seulgi explained to the other. "It seems fun, let's do it." Irene smirked.

"Okay, let's start now!" Seulgi sat down criss-cross on the couch facing Irene. She felt like she was in elementary school again. "I'll go first, so you can kind of understand how it works." Irene nodded at the younger's words.

"Truth or dare?" Seulgi asked excitedly. "Dare." Now that they were actually playing, Irene was a bit scared for the dares Seulgi would give her.

"I dare you to.." Seulgi tapped her chin. "Eat a raw onion!" Seulgi suggested. "A raw onion..?" Irene hated onions. She'd rather die than have even the tiniest piece of onion.

"That's gross!" Irene said. "I'm not doing that!" Irene crossed her arms. "Fine, then you dare me to do something!" Seulgi told the older.

Irene was deep in thought, then the perfect idea struck her. She was dying slowly, so she needed blood. Seulgi's blood.

"I dare you to close your eyes for the next 2 rounds!" Irene told Seulgi, Seulgi laughing at the idea. "Fine fine!"

Seulgi shut her eyes and covered them with her hands. "What if you cheat and open them under your hands!" Irene said, getting up. "I'm gonna go get something to tie around your head, I'll be right back!" Irene said, running off to Seulgi's room.

The younger waited for a bit, but decided Irene was taking too long and went to go investigate. But being the dummy she is, she kept her eyes shut while walking into her room.

"Irene, what's taking so lo-" Seulgi gasped when she heard the door slam shut. She then uncovered her eyes to see Irene standing right in front of her. "What are you doing?" Seulgi asked, dumbfounded.

Without warning, Irene bit into Seulgi's neck. The younger gasped at the sudden pain, blood running down her shoulder.

"Irene, fuck! Stop it!" Seulgi hit Irene in the head, the older backing away. "I don't like how you've been acting lately! You can stay with me until you have a stable job and can live on your own. As soon as you can, you're outta here!" Seulgi yelled. With each word, she raised her voice at Irene.

Irene sighed, taking a seat on the bed. "You don't understand, do you?" Irene chuckled. "Understand what..?" Seulgi sat next to Irene.

"I'm a vampire. It isn't obvious?"

Moonlight Melody ♥︎ SeulRene ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz