Chapter 108 - Eternal Occupancy/Coming Home

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(Image credit belongs to the illustrator)


She closed her eyes and drifted off into a non-linear stretch of time where she was being consumed by him in the most sensual way, yet she was the one who felt sated.

The feel of his mouth on the most private and vulnerable of her body hadn't been something she had ever even imagined, yet this morning when he asked to be able to kiss her everywhere, he had shown her it was a place to be kissed. 

And kiss it he did.

She lay on her side on the chaise as she watched him come in with two peaches in his hand. He walked over to swoop down and quickly kissed her on her forehead and stroked her neck before he made his way to Zhe Yan's apothecary table. Dong Hua pulled out various herbs from the different drawers as if he had been making medicine there for years.

She smiled over to him as she watched him work. While putting together his concoction, he would occasionally glance over at her and smile warmly.

Not only was her librarian the former ruler of everything, including being Heavenly Emperor, he was also a master battlefield strategist, warrior, herbalist, physician, stone and wood craftsman, musician, and the list went on. Now, he was her mate.

And lover.

She closed her eyes and drifted to the memory where she had come undone. She had never made such sounds like that before. She felt hot again just thinking about how he had lifted her leg and place it over his shoulder as he gave her the deepest kisses her body had every experienced.

It was then that she realized she was without her lower undergarment. She was still slightly wet between her legs.

But where did it go, she wondered. She vaguely remembered him untying the bows and slipping it off. Did it fall to the ground? If so, she needed to retrieve it at once. The last thing she wanted was for Zhe Yan and her uncle to come back to the peach forest to see her undergarment beneath one of their trees.

She sat up and Dong Hua look at her questioningly.

"I have to go find it, Dijun," she said before she got up and walked out to the yard. She noticed it felt quite breezy under her skirts.

She walked over to the tree where they had their love-play. She ran her hands down the trunk of the tree. Her librarian had even chosen the slightly slanted peach tree which made it easier for her to recline back. He had always thought of everything when it came to her comfort.

She looked around the tree but couldn't find her little white repurposed handkerchief. Had the wind blown it away, she wondered. She was afraid it would blow away and some stranger would find it. Though that was unlikely since the peach forest spanned for 10 miles in all directions. Since she had repurposed it she didn't know if anyone would figure out it was an undergarment. Perhaps they would think it was a bonnet and tie it over their heads. She shook her head at all the troublesome possibilities.

"Can I help my little fox find something?" a low and deep voice called out from behind her. She smiled and turned around.

"Um, this will sound strange but I lost my undergarment when we were ... when we were ..."

She didn't even know what to call what they were doing.

"Huh," he said quizzically. "I haven't the faintest idea where it went either. I supposed you'll just have to do without it for the rest of the day," he said and shrugged casually.

She giggled. What a crazy idea she thought. "Dijun, I can't possibly."


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The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now