Chapter 16 - Show and Tell

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(Image credit - Yan Ming at


When Feng Jiu spirited away in her aura from the Nine Heavens, she transformed into her red fox form and ran excitedly to Zhe Yan's peach blossom forest. She hadn't run this freely in some time and was enjoying the ability to really stretch her legs. She could sense Zhe Yan and her fourth uncle's energy up ahead and this made her sprint even faster.

She purposely catapulted herself from the ground and dove into her fourth uncle's arms. Had he not expected it, he would surely have hit the ground. 

For thousands of years this was how she came back to the orchard after her adventures. If not diving into Fourth Uncle, then she was launching herself into Zhe Yan's arms. They always caught her but often teased that one day instead of their arms, she'd find herself hurling into a pile of leaves instead.

She had since stopped diving at her Gugu having knocked her aunt down one too many times. Bai Zhen cradled her in his arms and scratched her head. She nuzzled her face into his hand and gave an affectionate yip. 

Bai Zhen carried her over to Zhe Yan who was sitting at his stone table drinking peach blossom wine. She was gently deposited at Zhe Yan's feet and she transformed into her immortal self sitting on the ground. Bai Zhen went to sit across from his mate. She leaned over to Zhe Yan and nestled the side of her face into his leg.

The old phoenix reached down and dotingly scratched the top of her head where her hair naturally parted. She enjoyed this for a few moments, as she leaned up into the scratch and then popped up onto her feet .

"Did you miss me?!"

Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen smiled at each other, and Bai Zhen scratched his head with a mock confused look

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Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen smiled at each other, and Bai Zhen scratched his head with a mock confused look.

"I don't know, did we miss her?" 

Zhe Yan sighed. "I don't know, it was awfully quiet and peaceful while she was gone."

"Hey, I'm right here," she pouted.

The men both laughed; she was way too easy to tease.

"Xiao Jiu, you've been away for a couple of weeks already, where did you go play this time?" asked Bai Zhen.

She perked up. "I made new friends!" She started pacing in front of them eager to tell them about what she had been up to.

"Of course you did, you always do, so who did you meet this time?" asked Zhe Yan. They both stood up and walked over to her, eager to hear her tell her story. She always had great stories to tell when she came back from one of her adventures.

"Well, I met Lord Mung Su, he's very nice, or rather I met him, again. He said he met me once when I was a kit but I was too young to remember," the little highness smiled, remembering the old bear fondly.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now