Realm of Shadows: Room with a View/Family Secrets

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GCPD; Afternoon:

Gordon: (Reads the document full of info) This...this is a silver bullet. And it's gonna put falcons down once and for all. (Looks at Alex) I don't even want to know where you got this.

Alex: You don't.

Gordon: Still...I gotta know one thing, why give this to me? Don't get me wrong — I appreciate the hell outta this.

Alex: You want to help put away criminals away for good. Why would I give it to someone else when I know you're an honest man all the way?

Gordon: No need to blow smoke, I've got enough cancer coming my way as it is. But thank you, honestly. Knowing this evidence can lock up Falcone...I'll sleep like a goddamn baby. For once. You know, as much as I appreciate you callin' me here, I gotta make one thing clear...(menacingly) I can't be bought...

Alex: (Takes a step back from the smell of smoke) With all the money I have, I don't plan on spending any of it for my own personal use. What you are holding on your hand right there, (points at the envelope in his hand) that's Falcone's ticket out of here and our faces.

Gordon: You and me both. (Puffs a cloud of smoke and looks at the streets of Gotham) I'm tired of staring at his mugshot. (Phone chimes. Gordon turns away and picks up his phone) I gotta go. I came straight from a crime scene and I haven't been home yet. (Puffs his cigarette) Sometimes I think this whole city's a crime scene. And we're just walkin' through it.

Alex: As I said before...that envelope you're holding will make walking it safer.

Gordon: Thanks, Alex.

Alex: (Gives a small nod) Lieutenant.

Gordon: Hey, stick to Jim.

He walks off and Alex does the same and heads to his motorcycle.

Alex: It's done.

Bruce: Good work, Alex. The drones have located Falcone downtown at the Skyline Club. Suit up and head to the location.

Alex: On my way.

Skyline Club; 9:19 pm:

Nightwing: (Lands a few buildings away from Batman) Okay, Bruce...what does your drone see?

Batman: 4 armed guards and multiple innocents.

Nightwing: Have you located where Falcone is hiding?

Batman: Sending you feedback.

Nightwing's lens in his mask glow blue as he gets a vision of the drone's perspective, he sees a heavily guarded door.

Nightwing: Alright, we cut the lights and we'll take down the armed guards. That will cause the innocents to run away.

Batman: If we do that, there's a high probability of incoming reinforcements. When we do a pincer attack, it will lead them into the main room, making it easier to take care of them.

Nightwing: Alright, bring them close together and I'll take care of the others. (Turns to the far left, sees a balcony above a thug) Your point of entry will be there. (Pings the balcony on the other side) I'll come from under there.

He pings the far right area of the main room.

Nightwing: (Comms) Alfred, how's it looking like right now?

Alfred: Everything is looking green so far, Alex. When it's done with great efficiency and cleanly, there won't be any casualties.

Nightwing: Alright, let's do this.

Batman: Get into position.

As Batman gets into position, Nightwing jumps off the building and dives until he uses his built-in wing suit to glide to the side of the building. As he lands, he looks up at Batman's general area.

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